Best in Class Product Management Bootcamp

RevoU is the only Product Management course in Indonesia that made into Course Report’s Best Bootcamp List 2023!

RevoU Grads Are Hired By:

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and many more.

Why Launch a Career in Product Management

High-Paying Jobs

Over the last couple of years, Product Managers experienced a surge of demand, with over 10,000 job openings worldwide. Top tech companies are constantly looking for Product Managers and willing to offer a high salary for a skilled Product Manager.

Promising Career Path

Product Managers are the ones that drive revenue, growth, and innovation to the company as well as to the customers. Great Product Managers have a high chance for leadership and management roles.

No Need of Tech Background

Tech is the fastest-growing industry, and as a Product Manager, you can start your career in a tech company without coding skills.

Why RevoU?

At RevoU, we believe that grit and hard work get you further than talent. We treat you based on where you want to be and what you can be. We will help you find your way, get started, and fulfill your potential.

Designed and Taught by Industry Experts

You will learn the most updated and in-demand skills taught by elite instructors from top unicorn companies. Our curriculum creator & instructors went through our screening process where we filter only the best people in the industry with excellent technical skills and teaching ability.

Biggest Community of 8000+ Like-Minded Individuals

You will meet 8000+ of new people with similar values and a strong desire for success. Even after finishing the program, you will experience continuous network with fellow alumni enjoy our special alumni benefits.

Work on Projects Guided By Experts to Get You Job-Ready

You will build your portfolio as an aspiring product manager by doing projects, solving case studies, or generating business ideas. You will be exposed to many business models, project requirements, and guided by many stakeholders.

Personalized 1:1 Career Support to Transform Your Professional Life

Our career support will make sure you stand out and are well-prepared during your job-searching journey while keeping you accountable and motivated throughout your career development process.

Double Your Success with Dual Mentorship

Two guiding forces, one mission: Your success.
- Learn from our Expert, a seasoned industry pro who will provide you with engaging lectures, insights, and valuable feedback.
- Grow with your Mentor, benefit from group discussions and 1:1 sessions to optimize your learning and polish your professional profile.

With their combined guidance, you'll be well-prepared to flourish in the ever-evolving tech world.

Exchange values and insights with 11,600+ professionals and experts in our Community

Learn with more than 1,542,200 digitally minded people that will help your career
What’s better than having a peer group that live nearby?

In RevoU Community, we provide a platform so our members can meet offline routinely in their own city.

From a simple get-together, it can open up many doors to future collaborations and job opportunities.
  • Casual hangout and networking
  • Work-from-cafe
  • Offline sharing session and discussion
  • Sport activities
  • Game Night
  • And many more...
"Keputusan buat join ke dalam RevoU Chapters termasuk salah satu keputusan terbaik buat gue. Bisa dapet banyak teman baru, networking kerjaan juga. Berasa dapet free sharing session tiap ketemuan. Mulai dari main games bareng sampe ngopi biasa, cocok juga buat yang tertarik punya peer buat menghilangkan kejenuhan di kantor."
Fajar Abirama
Chapter Jakarta
Chapter Depok-Bogor
Chapter Bandung
Chapter Jogja
Chapter Semarang
Chapter Surabaya
Chapter Bali
Chapter Tangerang
...and many more coming soon!
In a professional life, a rich network will bring your career up to the next level.

Connect with fellow alumni expert with similar interests, roles, and industry within RevoU Community.

Available Interest Group:
  • SEO Club
  • Performance Marketing Club
  • And many more to come...
“RevoU Club ini wadah yang menarik banget buat para spesialis untuk bisa diskusi lebih intens sesuai expertise-nya. Bakal berguna banget sih buat orang-orang kaya gue yang mau tau seluas apa role, industi, atau kerjaan gue.”
Marcelino La’lang
SEO Club
Performance Marketing Club
...and many more to come!
Once you got into our community, you’ll get a life-time access to our community programs, including our exclusive and advanced classes.

Available Advanced Alumni Classes:
  • Digital Copywriting
  • Growth Hacking
  • App Store Optimization
  • Advanced Customer Analytics
  • Advanced Tracking (GTM)
  • Advanced Google Ads
  • Retention & Engagement Strategy
  • Stakeholder Management
  • And many more..
"Makasih banyak RevoU udah ngadain Specialization Class! Aku jadi punya wadah diskusi dan belajar apa yang dipraktikin di kerjaanku sekarang. Really appreciate kalau RevoU enggak cuma fasilitasi belajar di awal tapi sampai setelah lulus juga."
Normalita Eka
Surround yourself with hundreds of professionals within RevoU Community, all in one event.

Get inspired by the exclusive insights shared by our experts to best prepare and level-up your game.

Don’t miss the opportunity also to re-connect with your class mates in RevoU and exchange each other’s inspiring stories after RevoU.

Event Activities:
  • Talkshow with experts
  • Special workshop
  • Sponsor & career booth
  • Networking session with 6000+ RevoU community members
"RevoU Conference (CXRC) ini sangat menambah insight buatku. Di conference ini ada talkshow yang menambah wawasan dan menjelaskan trend yang terjadi saat ini. Pembahasannya juga membantuku merencanakan career path ke depannya. Selain itu, di acara ini aku bisa ketemu sama temen-temen lama, yang biasanya  belajar online, sekarang ketemu offline."
Cakra Andius
Ask for insights and help from other experienced community members to solve work problems. This channel is exclusively created for our members.
Click the pictures below to see the full size
Get the latest job openings through fellow graduates that are exclusively available for RevoU community members. Ask them directly for more detailed information, which will benefit you in your career-transitioning journey.
Build a network with thousands of product management enthusiasts that have the same interests as you.
Click the pictures below to see the full size
What’s better than having a peer group that live nearby?

In RevoU Community, we provide a platform so our members can meet offline routinely in their own city.

From a simple get-together, it can open up many doors to future collaborations and job opportunities.
  • Casual hangout and networking
  • Work-from-cafe
  • Offline sharing session and discussion
  • Sport activities
  • Game Night
  • And many more...
"Keputusan buat join ke dalam RevoU Chapters termasuk salah satu keputusan terbaik buat gue. Bisa dapet banyak teman baru, networking kerjaan juga. Berasa dapet free sharing session tiap ketemuan. Mulai dari main games bareng sampe ngopi biasa, cocok juga buat yang tertarik punya peer buat menghilangkan kejenuhan di kantor."
Fajar Abirama
Chapter Jakarta
Chapter Depok-Bogor
Chapter Bandung
Chapter Jogja
Chapter Semarang
Chapter Surabaya
Chapter Bali
Chapter Tangerang
...and many more coming soon!
In a professional life, a rich network will bring your career up to the next level.

Connect with fellow alumni expert with similar interests, roles, and industry within RevoU Community.

Available Interest Group:
  • SEO Club
  • Performance Marketing Club
  • And many more to come...
“RevoU Club ini wadah yang menarik banget buat para spesialis untuk bisa diskusi lebih intens sesuai expertise-nya. Bakal berguna banget sih buat orang-orang kaya gue yang mau tau seluas apa role, industi, atau kerjaan gue.”
Marcelino La’lang
SEO Club
Performance Marketing Club
...and many more to come!
Once you got into our community, you’ll get a life-time access to our community programs, including our exclusive and advanced classes.

Available Advanced Alumni Classes:
  • Digital Copywriting
  • Growth Hacking
  • App Store Optimization
  • Advanced Customer Analytics
  • Advanced Tracking (GTM)
  • Advanced Google Ads
  • Retention & Engagement Strategy
  • Stakeholder Management
  • And many more..
"Makasih banyak RevoU udah ngadain Specialization Class! Aku jadi punya wadah diskusi dan belajar apa yang dipraktikin di kerjaanku sekarang. Really appreciate kalau RevoU enggak cuma fasilitasi belajar di awal tapi sampai setelah lulus juga."
Normalita Eka
Surround yourself with hundreds of professionals within RevoU Community, all in one event.

Get inspired by the exclusive insights shared by our experts to best prepare and level-up your game.

Don’t miss the opportunity also to re-connect with your class mates in RevoU and exchange each other’s inspiring stories after RevoU.

Event Activities:
  • Talkshow with experts
  • Special workshop
  • Sponsor & career booth
  • Networking session with 6000+ RevoU community members
"RevoU Conference (CXRC) ini sangat menambah insight buatku. Di conference ini ada talkshow yang menambah wawasan dan menjelaskan trend yang terjadi saat ini. Pembahasannya juga membantuku merencanakan career path ke depannya. Selain itu, di acara ini aku bisa ketemu sama temen-temen lama, yang biasanya  belajar online, sekarang ketemu offline."
Cakra Andius
Ask for insights and help from other experienced community members to solve work problems. This channel is exclusively created for our members.
Click the pictures below to see the full size
Get the latest job openings through fellow graduates that are exclusively available for RevoU community members. Ask them directly for more detailed information, which will benefit you in your career-transitioning journey.
Build a network with thousands of product management enthusiasts that have the same interests as you.
Click the pictures below to see the full size

Your Learning Phase

Our Full Stack Product Management Program is divided into two parts: RevoU Course and RevoU Next.

Want to transform your career?
Join both RevoU Course and RevoU Next for 6 months.

Only want to boost your skills?
Join the first part of our program, RevoU Course, for 3 months.

The RevoU Product Management Program

RevoU Course

Lay the foundations for your product management skills with 3 months of intense lectures, study groups, practical assignments, and group projects, learning from leading industry practitioners in Southeast Asia.

RevoU Next

Receive career support training and career mentorship while you sharpen your skillsets in our projects with personalized mentor.

Skills Boosting
Career Transforming
Compulsory | unless you have found employment

The RevoU Product Management Program

RevoU Course

Lay the foundations for your product management skills with 3 months of intense lectures, study groups, practical assignments, and group projects, learning from leading industry practitioners in Southeast Asia.


Skills Boosting

RevoU Next

Receive career support training and 1-on-1 coaching while you sharpen your skillsets in our apprenticeship program called RevoU Labs. High achieving students may also be eligible for job placement and recommendation service.


Career Transforming
Compulsory | unless you have found employment

Discover Your Path

Have a friendly chat with one of our Admission Counselors to dive into the fascinating world of our career development programs. 

Let's take a closer look at your own dreams and ambitions, and find out how we can assist you along the way.

What to Expect from Your Counseling Session:

  • Personalized Guidance Just for You, we understand that each person is unique, and so are your aspirations and goals. Our primary goal is to ensure that we can genuinely assist you in achieving your dreams.
  • Discovering Your Growth, we’ll uncover the most exciting opportunities for your personal and professional development. We'll identify your pathways, tailored to your individual needs and potential.
  • Mapping Your Journey with RevoU, let’s discuss if RevoU is right for you. Whether it’s RevoU or elsewhere, we’ll provide you with actionable insights to help you pursue your desired career. Your success is our priority.
Curriculum | RevoU Course

What You’ll Learn

Boost your product skills and accelerate either your personal career trajectory or the growth of your business. In RevoU Course, you will learn Product Development Process, such as:

Product & Business Understanding

  • Product Vision & Strategy
  • Finding Product Objectives

OKR & Product Metrics

  • Product Metrics
  • Event Tracking 101

Research in Product Management

  • Customer Discovery Process
  • Competitor Analysis

Product Prioritization

  • Prioritization Frameworks
  • Roadmap & Product Requirement Document

Product Ideation & Development

  • Creating Value for Users
  • Defining your MVP
  • Product Development
  • Usability Testing

Technical Product Management

  • Introduction to Software Development
  • No-Code
  • Introduction to Programming Language
  • Application to Programming Interface

Stakeholder Management

  • Stakeholder and Escalation Strategies
  • Effective Communication for PM

Product Experimentation

  • Fundamental of Experimentation
  • Advanced Product Experimentation

Product Marketing

  • Go To Market Strategy
  • Product Launch and Activation
For more details, you can get Product Management Syllabus
get syllabus

Learn from Experienced Product Managers

Some of our instructors:

Launch Your Successful Career in Product Management with RevoU NEXT

Land a job, with RevoU NEXT full support

Master the Art of Job Hunting

Choosing RevoU is about more than just acquiring tech skills. It’s about embarking on a transformative journey towards your dream job. We’re your career co-pilots, guiding you every step of the way to ensure your success.

Your Roadmap to Job Hunting Mastery

Set Your Sights on Success

Elevate your brand through innovative digital marketing solutions, custom and data-driven strategies, channel expertise, and flawless execution.

Together, we’ll help you define your career goals and create a plan to achieve them.
Ready, Set, Impress!

Elevate your brand through innovative digital marketing solutions, custom and data-driven strategies, channel expertise, and flawless execution.

We’ll ensure you’re fully prepared with a standout portfolio and a professional network to back it up.
Master the Art of Applying & Networking

Elevate your brand through innovative digital marketing solutions, custom and data-driven strategies, channel expertise, and flawless execution.

We’ll show you how to navigate the job market and build valuable connections.
Ace Your Interview with Confidence

Elevate your brand through innovative digital marketing solutions, custom and data-driven strategies, channel expertise, and flawless execution.

From HR to user interviews, we’ll equip you with the skills to impress any interviewer.
Negotiate Like a Pro

Elevate your brand through innovative digital marketing solutions, custom and data-driven strategies, channel expertise, and flawless execution.

We’ll teach you the art of salary negotiation so you can secure the best deal for your skills and experience.

Elevate Your Professional Experience with Virtual Internships

Experience the dynamic world of corporate challenges and gain invaluable skills through a series of immersive case studies and simulated tasks. Our virtual internships provide a unique opportunity to tackle real-world problems faced by renowned companies like Telkomsel, Bank Neo Commerce, Save the Children, and more.

Connect with real users, present your work directly, and receive invaluable feedback.

Enhance your resume by showcasing the logos of top companies in your portfolio.

Develop essential technical and soft skills such as problem-solving and strategic thinking to advance your career.

Our past and current Virtual Internship partners:
My internship at Revou X BNC was a transformative experience, allowing me to collaborate with dedicated professionals and apply my skills to create meaningful change within the organization.
Fadhil Waficandra Pranginangin
Business Development Supervisor at PT. Global Jaya Medika

Guiding You Towards Success at Every Turn

Our dedicated Student Development Coordinator (SDC) and HR Coach are committed to supporting your journey towards a thriving product management career.

Benefit from personalized career coaching and comprehensive training

Identify your strengths and weaknesses with expert guidance

Receive valuable feedback on your portfolio and gain interview preparation tips

Navigate your projects with confidence through expert guidance and mentorship

Master the Art of Job Interviews

Enhance your interview performance and boost your confidence with our expert-guided mock interviews.

Sharpen your interview skills by having mock interviews with real HR professionals and users from renowned companies

Receive personalized feedback to enhance your hireability and make impactful improvements

Unlock the opportunity to participate in two mock interviews every month, providing valuable practice and preparation

11,600+ Student Lives Transformed and Counting!

Testimonial Image
Widyarta Mega Paramita


Buat saya pribadi, fondasi ilmu, struktur berpikir, bahkan mindset yang saya dapatkan selama berproses di RevoU sedikit banyak membantu saya di pencapaian saat ini.

Testimonial Image
Fahmi H.


Lecturer tiap minggu yang bener-bener bisa sampein materi super jelas, dengan contoh dari kasus2 yang nyata. Tanya jawab yang insightful bikin capenya kebayar.

Testimonial Image


Aku alumni di sini hehe Ada harga, ada kualitas. Bootcamp di revou itu kelasnya hampir tiap hari (seminggu 5x pertemuan selama 3 bulan), tiap minggu tugas individu Dibandingkan sama bootcamp lain, intensitasnya beda jauh. Lalu tambahan 3 bulan untuk real project/magang.

Testimonial Image


Tapi worth it banget emang mentornya di revou, gak kaleng2 sih. Kelasnya fun jugaa jadi gak boring dan bikin student pada ambis buat kerjain tugas. Based on my own experience.

Testimonial Image
vigilante syit


Glad aku ikutan d revou jelas bgttt, saking jelasnya dikejar target buat bs dptin job dn improve skills, dr mock up interview ampe workshop tiap minggu. alhamdulillah udh kerja skrg sblm bootcampnya selesai

Testimonial Image
Ermira Prayacitra


Terimakasih revoU, merasa beruntung bs belajar disni kurikulumnya mature, Intructornya expert, Kelas yang seru dgn SM dan TL menyenangkan dan praktek yang real

See More

6000+ Student Lives Transformed and Counting!

Testimonial Image
Widyarta Mega Paramita


Buat saya pribadi, fondasi ilmu, struktur berpikir, bahkan mindset yang saya dapatkan selama berproses di RevoU sedikit banyak membantu saya di pencapaian saat ini.

Testimonial Image
Fahmi H.


Lecturer tiap minggu yang bener-bener bisa sampein materi super jelas, dengan contoh dari kasus2 yang nyata. Tanya jawab yang insightful bikin capenya kebayar.

Testimonial Image


Aku alumni di sini hehe Ada harga, ada kualitas. Bootcamp di revou itu kelasnya hampir tiap hari (seminggu 5x pertemuan selama 3 bulan), tiap minggu tugas individu Dibandingkan sama bootcamp lain, intensitasnya beda jauh. Lalu tambahan 3 bulan untuk real project/magang.

Testimonial Image


Tapi worth it banget emang mentornya di revou, gak kaleng2 sih. Kelasnya fun jugaa jadi gak boring dan bikin student pada ambis buat kerjain tugas. Based on my own experience.

Testimonial Image
vigilante syit


Glad aku ikutan d revou jelas bgttt, saking jelasnya dikejar target buat bs dptin job dn improve skills, dr mock up interview ampe workshop tiap minggu. alhamdulillah udh kerja skrg sblm bootcampnya selesai

Testimonial Image
Ermira Prayacitra


Terimakasih revoU, merasa beruntung bs belajar disni kurikulumnya mature, Intructornya expert, Kelas yang seru dgn SM dan TL menyenangkan dan praktek yang real

See More

Discover & Connect with Alumni

Patricia Samantha Puteri
Product Management May 22 Batch
Hired before graduation
Upskilled with Revou
Salary Increase
Before RevoU
After RevoU
Product analyst
PT Moladin Digital Indonesia
Before RevoU
Pharmaceutical Science Student
Institut Teknologi Bandung
After RevoU
Product analyst
PT Moladin Digital Indonesia
Product analyst
PT Moladin Digital Indonesia
After RevoU
Earning Increase
Product analyst
PT Moladin Digital Indonesia
After RevoU
Salary Increase
Product Management
Institut Teknologi Bandung
Pharmaceutical Science Student
Big Tech Company
Product Management Jan 22 Batch
Hired before graduation
Upskilled with Revou
Salary Increase
Before RevoU
Executive Assistant
ofi Indonesia
After RevoU
Associate Product Owner
Cermati Fintech Group
Before RevoU
Industrial Design
Dalian University of Technology
After RevoU
Associate Product Owner
Cermati Fintech Group
Associate Product Owner
Cermati Fintech Group
After RevoU
Earning Increase
Associate Product Owner
Cermati Fintech Group
After RevoU
Salary Increase
Career Switcher
Product Management
Executive Assistant
0-3 years
Dalian University of Technology
Industrial Design
Big Tech Company
F&B Services
Angga Meiki Fradika
Product Management Jan 22 Batch
Hired before graduation
Upskilled with Revou
Salary Increase
Before RevoU
Senior Product Quality Assurance
PT Teknologi Migo Indonesia
After RevoU
Business Product Management Specialist
Shopee Indonesia (ShopeePay)
Before RevoU
Industrial Engineering
Universitas Islam Indonesia
After RevoU
Business Product Management Specialist
Shopee Indonesia (ShopeePay)
Business Product Management Specialist
Product Manager
Shopee Indonesia (ShopeePay)
After RevoU
Earning Increase
Business Product Management Specialist
Product Manager
Shopee Indonesia (ShopeePay)
After RevoU
Salary Increase
Career Switcher
Product Management
Nimbly Technology
5-7 years
Universitas Islam Indonesia
Industrial Engineering
Large / Multi National Company
Monika Melviani
Product Management Jan 22 Batch
Hired before graduation
Upskilled with Revou
Salary Increase
Before RevoU
Key account manager
PT Uangme Fintek Indonesia
After RevoU
Product Manager
Superbank (Digital banking from Grab)
Before RevoU
Atma jaya university
After RevoU
Product Manager
Superbank (Digital banking from Grab)
Product Manager
Superbank (Digital banking from Grab)
After RevoU
Earning Increase
Product Manager
Superbank (Digital banking from Grab)
After RevoU
Salary Increase
Career Switcher
Product Management
Key account managet
3-5 years
Atma jaya university
Big Tech Company
No results found.
Please try different filters.

Tuition Fee

Career Transforming

Early Bird
Includes: RevoU Course + RevoU Next
Duration:  6 Months

Three months of intensive lectures, additional three months of projects with personalized mentor & career support.

Skill Boosting

Early Bird
Includes: RevoU Course
Duration: 3 Months

Three months of intensive lectures.

Our Tuition Options

Best value

100% Up Front

Invest in your future without interest!

Deferred Payment

Secure your education at friendly monthly rates for up to 18 months.

Study Now Pay Later

Learn first and pay after you finish your 6 months course with RevoU.

Company Sponsorship

You can use your company's education budget to sponsor your RevoU programs

Your Steps During The Application Process

RevoU is a fast-paced, immersive, online education experience. Through our admissions process we make sure that our program is right for you, so you can get the most out of it.


Application form

Complete a 10-15 minute application for us to get to know your background, goals, and prior experience.

Analytical assessment

You'll be given an assignment to test your numerical reasoning and analytical skills.


Additional assessment

Submit a motivation letter to make sure your motivation and expectations are aligned with our program.

Video call

Have a final video call with our Admission Counselor to check that both expectations and career goals are aligned with what our program is offering.


Admission decision

Get notified about the admission decision.

Upcoming Course Start Date

Full Program Product Management
Batch January 2025

Start date:
January 2025
Class schedule:
Mon-Thu (7-9 PM) & Sat (1-3 PM)

Ready to transform your career?


Still unsure and have some questions?

Book Consultation
LAST CHANCE! Apply now & get a 13% Early Bird Discount