Your Career Transformation Starts with Admissions

Selective admission process, designed for your success!
Masuk RevoU itu kan ditest dulu, jadi ga sembarangan orang bisa masuk!
Melita Hidayat
Alumni Data Analytics
Masuk RevoU itu kan ditest dulu, jadi ga sembarangan orang bisa masuk!
Melita Hidayat
Alumni Data Analytics

Your Journey to RevoU: A Step-by-Step Guide

Your Journey to RevoU:
A Step-by-Step Guide

Ready to join RevoU? Follow these steps and you'll be on your way to an exciting new career!
  • Download & read our syllabus
    Check our Full Stack Programs here and download our syllabus here
  • Take a Look at The Class Experience
    Watch a video of our learning experience here!
  • Read our Alumni Honest Reviews!
    You can check the compilation of their reviews on Wall of Love!
    Still want more? Check on Google Reviews, Switch Up, and Course Report.
  • Try out the Free Programs
    Have a real experience of being our student for free by joining Intro Programs and learning from free learning resources.
Fill out a quick 10-15 minute application so we can learn about your background, goals, and experience.
Though our program is designed to push you, no worries! Here’s how we do to make sure you’ve got what it takes to keep up. Each part only takes a day!
1. For All Programs
  • Analytical Assessment
    Show your numerical reasoning and analytical skills!
  • Motivation Letter
    Why RevoU? Why now? Share your excitement and make sure we're the perfect match for your goals.
2. For Software Engineering Program
  • Aptitude Test
    Prove your problem-solving, learning new skills, and critical thinking skills!
  • Technical Understanding Review
    Showcase your technical understanding by summarizing an article given by Admissions Team.
Schedule a 15-minute video call so we can make sure your career goals and our program are a perfect match.
Want to make a great impression? Here are some pro tips!
  • Be curious and ask a lot of questions to the Admissions Counselor
  • Answer the questions from the Admissions Counselor with confident
  • Make sure you have a good internet connection!
You’ll receive an admissions decision after your assessment and video call in less than 24 hours. Be sure to check all your email folders, including spam and promotions.

If you passed all the admissions processes, congrats! You’ll receive an official offering letter from RevoU.
Then, you can continue to finalize the payment to secure your seat!
  • Discuss financing options
    Our Admissions Counselors will help you find the best payment plan for you.
  • Choose your payment
    Pick from 100% Up Front, Deferred Payment, or Study Now Pay Later.
  • Confirm your financing
    Submit your deposit to save your seat!
  • Get set, your journey begins soon!
    First, congrats! Next, around 5-7 days before your class kick-off, you'll be introduced to your mentors and peers! And now, the exciting journey with RevoU begins.
Do Your Research
  • Download & read our syllabus
    Check our Full Stack Programs and syllabus here!
  • Take a Look at The Class Experience
    Watch a video of our learning experience here!
  • Read our Alumni Honest Reviews!
    You can check the compilation of their reviews on Wall of Love!
    Still want more? Check on Google Reviews, Switch Up, and Course Report.
  • Try out the Free Programs
    Have a real experience of being our student for free by joining Intro Programs and learning from free learning resources.
Submit Application
Fill out a quick 10-15 minute application so we can learn about your background, goals, and experience.
Complete Assessment
Though our program is designed to push you, no worries! Here’s how we do to make sure you’ve got what it takes to keep up. Each part only takes a day!
1. For All Programs
  • Analytical Assessment
    Show your numerical reasoning and analytical skills!
  • Motivation Letter
    Why RevoU? Why now? Share your excitement and make sure we're the perfect match for your goals.
2. For Software Engineering Program
  • Aptitude Test
    Prove your problem-solving, learning new skills, and critical thinking skills!
  • Technical Understanding Review
    Showcase your technical understanding by summarizing an article given by Admissions Team.
Schedule Your Video Call
Schedule a 15-minute video call so we can make sure your career goals and our program are a perfect match.
Want to make a great impression? Here are some pro tips!
  • Be curious and ask a lot of questions to the Admissions Counselor
  • Answer the questions from the Admissions Counselor with confident
  • Make sure you have a good internet connection!
Receive Admissions Decision
You’ll receive an admissions decision after your assessment and video call in less than 24 hours. Be sure to check all your email folders, including spam and promotions.

If you passed all the admissions processes, congrats! You’ll receive an official offering letter from RevoU.
Finalize Payment
Then, you can continue to finalize the payment to secure your seat!
  • Discuss financing options
    Our Admissions Counselors will help you find the best payment plan for you.
  • Choose your payment
    Pick from 100% Up Front, Deferred Payment, or Study Now Pay Later.
Start Learning with RevoU!
  • Confirm your financing
    Submit your deposit to save your seat!
  • Get set, your journey begins soon!
    First, congrats! Next, around 5-7 days before your class kick-off, you'll be introduced to your mentors and peers! And now, the exciting journey with RevoU begins.

Ready to transform your career?


Still unsure and have some questions?


Admissions FAQs

Why do I need to take a test to get in? Can't I just be accepted?

Great question! At RevoU, we're all about setting you up for success. The test isn't just a hoop to jump through; it's a way to make sure you're ready for our intensive program.

Plus, it helps us surround you with like-minded peers who are as driven as you are. Trust us, it's worth it!

Is there an age limit for the RevoU Full Stack Program?

Age is just a number here at RevoU!

Whether you're fresh out of school or looking to switch careers, we're excited to have you. And don't worry about finding the right job afterwards—our Career Mentors will be there to guide you every step of the way.

How long will it take to hear back about my application?

We know you're eager to get started, and we won't keep you waiting!

You'll hear from us after your assessment and video call in just 3 days. Be sure to check all your email folders, including spam and promotions. The whole admission process will take about a week. Hang tight – we're as excited to welcome you as you are to join RevoU!