Lifelong Community
to Learn and Network

Discover the power of community with RevoU's alumni network,
gain industry insights, and access career-transforming opportunities.
Alumni Members

Community Events

Dive into our online and offline events. It's your chance to meet, learn, and have fun with fellow RevoU Alumni!
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What is RevoU Community?

RevoU Community is not just a platform, but your career buddy!

Here, you can access high quality content and curated programs to help you advanced in your professional career.

RevoU Chapter:
A Community Close to Home

RevoU Chapters connect you with fellow alumni in your city, opening doors to exciting career opportunities ahead!

Led by alumni volunteers as Chapter Leaders, these chapters offer friendship, support, and the chance to collaborate toward professional growth. It's all about making valuable connections right where you live.

South Jakarta
Chapter Leader:
East-Central Jakarta
Chapter Leader:
West-North Jakarta
Chapter Leader:
Chapter Leader:
Chapter Leader:
Chapter Leader:
Chapter Leader:
Chapter Leader:
Chapter Leader:
Chapter Leader:
Chapter Leader:
Chapter Leader:
Chapter Leader:
South Jakarta
Chapter Leader:
East-Central Jakarta
Chapter Leader:
West-North Jakarta
Chapter Leader:
Chapter Leader:
Chapter Leader:
Chapter Leader:
Chapter Leader:
Chapter Leader:
Chapter Leader:
Chapter Leader:
Chapter Leader:
Chapter Leader:

RevoU Club: Share Ideas, Learn Skills,and Network in Your Field

RevoU Club is a private group with public impact, where you can exchange ideas with fellow experienced members who  share your field of interest!
Club Committee:
Performance Marketing
Club Committee:
Data Analytics
Club Committee:
Social Media
Club Committee:
Club Committee:
B2B Sales & Marketing
Club Committee:
Club Committee:
Product Manager
Club Committee:
Business Analytics Club
Club Committee:
Creative & Art Club
Club Committee:
Club Leader:
Performance Marketing
Chapter Leader:
Data Analytics
Chapter Leader:
Social Media
Chapter Leader:
Chapter Leader:
B2B Sales & Marketing
Chapter Leader:
Chapter Leader:
Product Manager
Chapter Leader:
CXRC 2024
Coming Soon

At CXRC, we bring together professionals from various backgrounds and regions for networking opportunities. Partner with us to achieve your company goals, including brand awareness, employer branding, talent acquisition, and more.

Want to partner with us?

Contribute to The Community

Your Journey to RevoU:
A Step-by-Step Guide

Connect with new people, ideas, and experiences, which will help you grow better.

Section Manager

Improve your organizational skill by managing the day-to-day operations in RevoU programs

Available roles:
a. Section Manager for RevoU Program
b. Section Manager for Kampus Merdeka

Apply Nownorth_east

Team Lead

Re-learn all practical and fundamental knowledge from the full-stack program by teaching a group of passionate learners

Available roles:
a. Team Lead for RevoU Program
b. Team Lead for Kampus Merdeka
c. Team Lead for RevoU Mini Course

Apply Nownorth_east

Kampus Merdeka

Improve your organizational skill by managing the day-to-day operations in RevoU Tech Academy X Kampus Merdeka

Available roles:
a. Section Manager
b. Mentor

Apply Nownorth_east

Student Development Coordinator (SDC)

Work together with us in improving our student development to get a job in NEXT. Leverage your knowledge and expertise to create impact and legacy for our future students!

Apply Nownorth_east

Career Coach

Take part and get involved directly in helping our students get a job. If creating an impact is something fulfilling for you, this is the right role for you.

Apply Nownorth_east

Mock Interviewer

Take part and get involved directly in helping our students get a job by being a mock HR / User Interviewer.

Apply Nownorth_east

Event Speaker

Be a speaker during our alumni sharing session. Leverage your success stories and best practice to motivate our students in achieving their goals.

Event types:

a. Mini Course or Marketing Events

b. Program Events (Faculty, Career Support, etc)

Content Contributor (KOL)

Become our alumni ambassador (KOL), share your stories, and improve your personal branding for your career!

Apply Nownorth_east

RevoU Buddy

Get yourself featured on our Alumni Page. Help future RevoU students by answering their questions and sharing your story as a student and alumni.

For more information, check out our Alumni Page, here.

Apply Nownorth_east

Volunteer in the Community

Network with a bunch of like-minded people sharing similar interest by building fun and fulfilling projects together.

Available roles:
a. Event Volunteer
b. Club Committee
c. Chapter Leader

SEO Content Writer

Share your knowledge in the form of writing on RevoUpedia. Publish in-depth articles and build your own SEO portfolio.

Section Manager

Improve your organizational skill by managing the day-to-day operations in RevoU programs

Available roles:
a. Section Manager for RevoU Program
b. Section Manager for Kampus Merdeka

Apply Nownorth_east
Team Lead

Re-learn all practical and fundamental knowledge from the full-stack program by teaching a group of passionate learners

Available roles:
a. Team Lead for RevoU Program
b. Team Lead for Kampus Merdeka
c. Team Lead for RevoU Mini Course

Apply Nownorth_east
Kampus Merdeka

Improve your organizational skill by managing the day-to-day operations in RevoU Tech Academy X Kampus Merdeka

Available roles:
a. Section Manager
b. Mentor

Apply Nownorth_east
Student Development Coordinator (SDC)

Work together with us in improving our student development to get a job in NEXT. Leverage your knowledge and expertise to create impact and legacy for our future students!

Apply Nownorth_east
Career Coach

Take part and get involved directly in helping our students get a job. If creating an impact is something fulfilling for you, this is the right role for you.

Apply Nownorth_east
Mock Interviewer

Take part and get involved directly in helping our students get a job by being a mock HR / User Interviewer.

Apply Nownorth_east
Event Speaker

Be a speaker during our alumni sharing session. Leverage your success stories and best practice to motivate our students in achieving their goals.

Event types:

a. Mini Course or Marketing Events

b. Program Events (Faculty, Career Support, etc)

Content Contributor (KOL)

Become our alumni ambassador (KOL), share your stories, and improve your personal branding for your career!

Apply Nownorth_east
RevoU Buddy

Get yourself featured on our Alumni Page. Help future RevoU students by answering their questions and sharing your story as a student and alumni.

For more information, check out our Alumni Page, here.

Apply Nownorth_east
Volunteer in the Community

Network with a bunch of like-minded people sharing similar interest by building fun and fulfilling projects together.

Available roles:
a. Event Volunteer
b. Club Committee
c. Chapter Leader

SEO Content Writer

Share your knowledge in the form of writing on RevoUpedia. Publish in-depth articles and build your own SEO portfolio.

Hear What Our Students Say About RevoU Community

Ridwan Puadi
Insightful and fun last weekend at the CXRC 2023 RevoU alumni session. Meet people who are open to their various knowledge and experiences. Spending hours learning new things and updating information is a good step to continue developing yourself. This mindset is one application of the Growth Mindset in learning. Always try to broaden his horizons, both in skills and knowledge and be open to new ideas and perspectives from other people. #revou #community #sharingsession #growthmindset
Read on LinkedIn
Josevian Erris
👀 Today, I had the privilege of participating in an engaging sharing session from RevoU Chapter Bandung. The session revolved around "Belajar Bangun Bisnis Agency : Acting Like Partner or Expert?", and I couldn't be more inspired by the knowledge and insights shared. Speaker for today session is The Founder and CEO of Clycks Digital, Mr. Dheny Rafliandhys. I'm trully impressed by his expertise and passion for running a digital agency business. Words that trully resonated with me from this session is "If we value our client, then they will value us back". These sharing sessions are a great reminder of the importance of continuous learning and networking for me. A big thank you to Mr. Abdullah Mansyur & Ms. Widia Mulyati and also the entire team for putting together this fantastic event! Can't wait for another event in the future! 🚀
Read on LinkedIn
Eliffa Ashria
Yesterday was fun! Meet my Tangs People (RevoU Alumnies domicile in Tangerang, Banten) We usually meet at Badminton Hall but now in Soehana Hall, SCBD - Jakarta to join RevoU CXRC 2023 : The Reunion.
Read on LinkedIn

Let's Connect!

Have questions or feedback about our community? We'd love to hear from you!

Email us

Evolve your career and build skills. Together

RevoU Community is a go-to platform where you can access quality content and programs designed to help you advance in your professional career.

Forever a part of RevoU

Network with thousands of like-minded professionals with strong desire for success

Enrich your connection, meet up offline with fellow alumni near you

Our alumni are all across Indonesia. Connect with local RevoU alumni in your city and build up a valuable network across a wide range of fields.

Continue your lifelong learning with RevoU

Take advantage of RevoU Club by connecting with fellow alumni with same interest and specialization. Experience a fun peer-to-peer learning atmosphere together.
October 21, 2023 | Soehana Hall, Jakarta

Reshaping the Future with Collaboration

CXRC is the biggest event, exclusively created by and for RevoU Community members.
Speed Interview
Networking Space
In CXRC, we bring together professionals from various backgrounds and regions to network with each other. Partner with us to achieve your company goals, from brand awareness, employer branding, talent acquisition, and much more.

More about RevoU Community

RevoU Specialization Class

Contribute to the Community

Connect with new people, ideas, and experiences, which will help you grow better.

Section Manager

Improve your organizational skill by managing the day-to-day operations in RevoU programs

Available roles:
a. Section Manager for RevoU Program
b. Section Manager for Kampus Merdeka

Team Lead

Re-learn all practical and fundamental knowledge from the full-stack program by teaching a group of passionate learners

Available roles:
a. Team Lead for RevoU Program
b. Team Lead for Kampus Merdeka
c. Team Lead for RevoU Mini Course

Student Development Coordinator (SDC)

Work together with us in improving our student development to get a job in NEXT. Leverage your knowledge and expertise to create impact and legacy for our future students!

Career Coach

Take part and get involved directly in helping our students get a job. If creating an impact is something fulfilling for you, this is the right role for you!

Content Contributor (KOL)

Become our alumni ambassador (KOL), share your stories, and improve your personal branding for your career!

Mockup Interviewer

Take part and get involved directly in helping our students get a job. If creating an impact is something fulfilling for you, this is the right role for you!

RevoU Buddy

Get yourself featured on our Alumni Page. Help future RevoU students by answering their questions and sharing your story as a student and alumni.

Volunteer in the Community

Network with a bunch of like-minded people sharing similar interest by building fun and fulfilling projects together.

Available roles:
a. Event Volunteer
b. Club Committee
c. Chapter Organizer

What our alumni says?

Setelah lulus, banyak hal yang belum pernah dipelajari sebelumnya muncul disaat gue bekerja. Gue merasa beruntung karena ada Community RevoU, sehingga gue bisa sharing dengan temen-temen alumni bidang yang lain. Event RevoU Community juga membantu gue untuk memahami case/kerjaan tertentu karena dibahas secara mendalam

Muhammad Abduh Hibatullah
Tech Sales Program Batch 2

Seneng banget yang pasti dapet kesempatan menjadi Chapter Lead Bandung, bisa kenal sama alumni RevoU yang sefrekuensi, punya kesukaan yang sama, dan cerita inspiring. RevoU Community ini tempat aku bertumbuh dan ngembangin network yang lebih luas lagi.. Pokoknya priceless banget lah pengalamannya 😊

Full-stack Digital Marketing Batch 6

Gabung di RevoU Community seru sih! Gue bisa ketemu alumni-alumni baru yang keren. Acara-acara untuk alumninya juga seru dan ada manfaatnya, mulai dari acara ngopi dan ngobrol santai, sampai sesi networking dan sharing ilmu yg menarik

Fajar Abhirama
Full-Stack Digital Marketing Batch 8

Proud to be a part of RevoU Alumni. Setelah lulus, masih ada Specialization Class yang materinya advanced dan mendalam, aku jadi makin paham sama pembelajaran di full-stack program. Instructornya juga ramah dan membantu banget. #RevoUPride

Eka Kristalia
Full-stack Product Management Batch 2

Stay in touch!

Reach out to us for any community related questions!