See What Our Kampus Merdeka Students Say About Us

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Neti Herliani


In my second month at RevoU, I had the opportunity to learn the fundamentals of being a data analyst. The learning started with understanding business problems, performing EDA, understanding data processing (cleaning data, handling outliers, data interpretation), and creating easy-to-understand data visualizations. With this knowledge, I hope to be well prepared for a career in data. I'm excited to look forward to another great opportunity🌠

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Nur Inayah


Very impressive Studi Independen experience with applied curriculum and connections with experts. Fun learning, not only in theory but also in practice

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kelas terakhir di revou.. gatau tp aku sedih bgt mau slesai program ini, aku udh terlalu nyaman jd bagian revou+nusantara hehehe. smg bisa ketemu di lain waktu guise😭🙏🏼

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Choco Latte


Jadi keinget ikutan RevoU jalur MSIB pas Juli 2022. Materinya daging semuaa

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Klo km mahasiswa mau ikut bootcamp revou mending ikut msib deh. Ada tu bootcampnya revou, bisa transfer sks jg. Yg paling penting gratis dibayar kemdikbud. Triple kill😎

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Yuni Septi Liana Dewi


Revou itu The best banget, buat kalian yang pengen kenal dengan sistem pembelajaran RevoU bisa banget tuh ikutan studi independen di RevoU. Studi Independen nya online guys, jujur banget ini kelas online paling berkesan banget dan materinya daging bangetttt

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Rizky Axell


It was an incredible journey and great experiences to get a lot new things for me. Big thanks for my teammates, mentors, and section manager. I was really helped by a very cool and innovative range of mentors, it made me learn a lot about the world of work professionalism

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Siti Nadiva Sam'iya


I gained a lot of valuable experience during this program. I have learned a lot from great people here. I will always be extremely grateful for the opportunity given to me. Lastly, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the section managers, mentors, instructors, and teammates who helped me during this program. You all are amazing!

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Anggun Sari D.


Untuk yg MSIB, boleh banget sih pilih ini. Kalian akan terbuka banget pikirannya mengenai pekerjaan di perusahaan teknologi, nambah skill yang bisa banget lgsg dipake buat intern or anything.

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Rizqiana Dewi


Jangan takut untuk join Kampus Merdeka x RevoU guys karena asik bangett materi yang sulitt jadi gampang banget karena bantuan dari para SM, Mentor, dan Instructornya

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Kevin Panangian


Untuk yang akan mengikuti kampus merdeka batch selanjutnya ayoo pilih RevoU disini kalian akan banyak belajar tentang data analytics, product management, digital marketing, dan tech sales. Pastinya yang kalian pelajari akan bermanfaat untuk kedepannya.

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Fika Aulia Rahma


Materi yang diberikan manteb banget, capstonennya bikin komunikasi jadi saling dekat, temennya saling support. SM, mentor, instructor berpengalaman.

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Risma Ramadani


Not a single vertical was considered as dull and less important than the other. Through all 4 verticals, I managed to enrich myself with knowledge and skill regarding how to deliver product that can fulfill users' needs, how to visualize data using Google Data Studio, how to create cold and followup email with catchy subject and concise body, and last but not least, an end-to-end social media campaign.

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Yoga Widarto


Thank you to the entire team from RevoU for providing a place to gain knowledge for 5 months. I am truly grateful for this beautiful experience and look forward to continuing to connect and share my future achievements.

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Meri Setiawati


It was a great experience because I was able to complete the program very well. This can be achieved with the guidance of extraordinary Instructors, Mentors, and Section Managers.

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Anggun Sari Dewi


Rasa terima kasih sekali lagi saya ucapkan kepada seluruh keluarga MSIB RevoU Batch 3, baik dari teman di section yang sama, Section Manager, seluruh mentor dan seluruh instruktur atas ilmu yang bermanfaat dan kenangannya. Terima kasih juga kepada orang-orang hebat dibelakang layar yang menyukseskan program ini.

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Rangga Aja


Graduation penuh haruu... Ku rasa ikut stupen RevoU adalah salah satu keputusan terbaik gw tahun ini.

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Dyah Nabila Yulianto


Before joining the Merdeka X RevoU Campus, I doubted whether I could participate in the activities properly because to be honest, during my studies I never received material related to digital marketing, tech sales, data analytics, and product management. But after I tried to learn it was not as difficult as imagined. The material taught is easy to understand. Moreover, I am not from a linear department with revou, but I can enjoy studying at revou. The learning environment is also very good, with mentors who are always supportive. Thank you revou.

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Agnes Pricilia Senjaya


I managed to enrich myself with knowledge and skill regarding how to deliver product that can fulfill users' needs, how to visualize data using Google Data Studio, how to create cold and followup email with catchy subject and concise body, and last but not least, an end-to-end social media campaign.

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Nur Fajar Ivansyah


I had an unforgettable learning experience while participating in the MSIB Batch 3 - RevoU Tech Academy program. This program taught me about Digital Marketing, Tech Sales, Data Analytics, and Product Management. All of these materials are very interesting to me, especially Digital Marketing. Thank you to RevoU for this golden opportunity and all parties involved. I am proud to have been a part of RevoU.

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Rizka Ramadhani


I really happy and proud to be part of this program. Special thanks to my team for the great teamwork, instructors and mentors for the insights, and section manager for the help and support.

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Sita Zahra


Setelah mempelajari Data Analytics selama 4 minggu, ternyata mengolah data bukanlah hal yang mudah karena dibutuhkan ketelitian dan ketepatan dalam menggunakan rumus agar hasil yang didapatkan tepat dan dapat dipertanggung jawabkan Terima kasih kepada Kak Roman, kak Tiara, dan kak Andi selaku instrustors juga kak Yoga selaku mentor yang telah membagikan ilmu dan pengalamannya serta membantu saya dan teman-teman tim 9 menyelesaikan capstone project dengan hasil terbaik. 🎉 🙏

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Raysa Alhasni


Alhamdulillah banget aku bisa lolos program MSIB Studi Independen Di RevoU. jujur aku pengen belajar di RevoU udah lama banget. Aku lebih mikirin manfaat yang bakalan aku dapatin di RevoU ini karna pastinya aku bisa nambah skill selama 5 bulan belajar di RevoU, aku ngerasa 5 bulan waktu yang panjang buat aku bisa berkembang lebih baik lagi. 🤩 Walaupun Aku baru kali ini belajar tentang tech sales, tapi aku excited banget buat belajar dan terus belajar, thank you banget buat Team 3, dan kakak mentor yang baik hati 🥰

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Valerie Halim


Never in my life had I thought to learn so many valuable things in a very short amount of time. At first, I was only interested in one module. But turns out that all of the modules I have learned were fun and improved both my hard and soft skills. And I am so happy to be able to share the final results here. In the end, I just want to say that I am beyond grateful for RevoU and MSIB Kampus Merdeka.

Explore Our Programs & Free Courses


Master organic channels and paid marketing to scale your digital business. Improve your digital channel know-how, critical thinking skills, and analytical frameworks.


Excel your data analytics expertise, business mindset, and communication skills and answer complex business questions with data.


Learn product management skills such as conducting customer research, developing products, and communicating effectively with your stakeholders.

Software engineering

Pursue one of the most resilient careers in Tech as a Software Engineer with a comprehensive understanding of front-end to back-end web development.