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Dari Praktisi + Expert
Sertifikat Digital

Explore Mini Course

Mini Course
Digital Marketing
Online 10 Hari
380.000+ Sudah Gabung!

Belajar tools:

Mini Course
Data Analytics
Online 10 Hari
300.000+ Sudah Gabung!

Belajar tools:

Fundamental Course Software Engineering
Kelas Baru 🔥
Online 10 Hari
100.000+ Sudah Gabung!

Belajar tools:

Explore Full Program

Data Analytics
Live Program
3 or 6 Months
Understand & solve business problems using data
Explore AI tools through hands-on projects
Virtual internship with real cases from partners
Digital Marketing
Live Program
3 or 6 Months
Hands-on projects to master digital marketing tools
Run real SME ad campaigns with actual budgets
Virtual internship with real cases from partners
Software Engineering
New Program
Live Program
6 or 9 Months
Master top programming languages & frameworks
Hands-on full stack software development projects
Be mentored by industry experts
enroll now
Product Management
Live Program
3 or 6 Months
Master end-to-end product management
Innovative product development projects
Virtual internship with real cases from partners
AI Academy
New Program
Live Program
1 - 6 Weeks
Learn from top industry experts from AI venture
Leverage AI for Marketers, SEO, Social Media, Creatives, and Marketing Analytics
Practical techniques using popular AI tools

Finding the Perfect Tech Career for You

You might be thinking about a new job in the tech world that matches your skills and what you want. You want a job that pays well, gives you freedom, and helps you learn and grow. But which one is right for you?

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