Advanced Tracking : Integrate Your Digital Marketing Performance with Google Tag Manager (GTM) & Meta Pixel

Get to know Tracking System for App & Web Campaign. Deep dive into Google Tag Manager (GTM) and understand how to set it up in advance. Understand step-by-step on implementation, testing, and collecting data using GTM. Learn GTM best practices and troubleshooting methods.
Limited Slot
LIVE and Online
With Practical Assignment
Class date:
15 seats left
Your instructors:
Frastika Geovani
Digital Marketing Lead at Ruangguru
Kelvin Ardiansyah
Senior Digital Performance Marketing at Ruangguru

Agenda and Syllabus

Lecture: Introduction to Tracking System
Monday, @7.00 - 9.00 pm
  • Tracking 1o1
  • Understanding the Web Tracking System
  • Understanding the App Tracking System
  • Tools Introduction
  • QnA Session

Lecture: Deep Dive to Advanced Tracking (Google Tag Manager)
Tuesday, @7.00 - 9.00 pm
  • Introduction to Google Tag Manager
  • Understanding Tags, Triggers and Variables
  • Collecting Data using Data Layer and Events
  • Connect your GTM to 3rd Party (Meta, Tiktok, Twitter etc)
  • Google Tag Manager Best Practices for Beginners
  • Troubleshooting
  • QnA Session

Lecture: QnA & Assignment Review
Wednesday, @7.00 - 9.00 pm
  • Assignment Review & Discussion
  • QnA Session & Ask-Me-Anything

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Everything you love about RevoU, but make it double.

Quality and In-depth Curriculumn

Smaller Class,
Richer Discussions

Built and Taught by Our Best Instructors

Formatted to Fit Your Work Schedule

No Admission Process for RevoU Alumni

Price and Facilities


✅ Unlimited access to study resources & recording

✅ Speakers' presentation materials

✅ Practical assignments

✅ Dedicated Slack channel for class

✅ Q&A session and consultation from instructors

Who can join the class?

Have finished RevoU Digital Marketing Course
Part of RevoU Community
Have previous experience in digital marketing

How to Apply

Register through application form
Finalize the payment to book your slot
Prepare yourself before the class
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