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Digital Marketing

Dive into the digital marketing world! Master paid and organic channels, critical thinking skills, and analytical frameworks to boost your digital business.

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Suksmono Boedi

11 Jan 2024
I love this boot camp, more than I expected, great curriculum, supported people, and incredible instructors. They open participant's mind, even for job career purpose or business purpose. I am very happy to be a member of RevoU Community. Thank you.

Billy Yasa

11 Jan 2024
One of the best online education platform. Terstruktur dan sistematis. Pengajarnya asik, section manager dan para team lead is extremely helpful. Wonderful experience learning here. Sukses terus RevoU.

Angga Dwi Cahyo S

10 Jan 2024
A couple weeks ago, I had the opportunity to participate in the Virtual Internship Program organized by RevoU in collaboration with GoTo, where I was selected as one of the top 3 participants. This opportunity allowed me to present a comprehensive report to the Social Media Expert at GoTo Group.

Throughout the program, I handled real problems and situations related to the Instagram account of Tokopedia, namely Inside Tokopedia, strategically utilized for the company's employer branding.

Hazalia Zahra

3 Jan 2024
Dalam kelas pengenalan yang berlangsung selama 2 pekan, Hazal banyak mendapatkan ilmu dan pembahasan baru terkait dunia digital marketing. Meskipun kelas yang Hazal ambil masih sangatlah dasar dalam bidang tersebut. Namun, kelas yang singkat ini telah membuka wawasan dan tantangan baru untuk mempersiapkan diri di tahun 2024 ini.


27 Des 2023
WKWWKKW 😋 aku batch 5 di revou. sedep nder materinya, ga bikin tipes kok. ga bakal nyesel soalnya kelas+mentor+instrukturnya SUPER asik! 🥹❤️

Elysa Chee

24 Des 2023
Being a part of RevoU x Kampus Merdeka has been an incredibly honorable experience for me. I'm eager to share my journey and reflect on my time here. If I were to sum up my experience in one word, it would be "practical." The study methods employed and the supportive environment have truly stood out for me. Opting for Data Analytics and Software Engineering as my learning paths, I've found immense satisfaction in the program. My hope is to translate this acquired knowledge into real-world applications.

Puji Lestari

22 Des 2023
suatu kesempatan yang berharga bisa belajar di RevoU, kuliah di bidang sosial tapi tertarik untuk belajar perangkat lunak dan juga data analisis dan ini ada di RevoU. Adanya studi independen di RevoU ini bikin aku bisa belajar diluar kampus dengan bidangyang aku minati. selama proses pembelajaran berjalan dengan baik dan maksimal berkat mereka yang selalu menghandle kami. pelajaran yang diperoleh juga dipraktikan dengan adanya tugas akhir yang menambah dan mengasah tingkat pemahaman kita. yuk belajar disiniiiiii. era sekarang kita harus asah skill diluar kampus, belajar di RevoU menambah skill baru yang sangat dibutuhkan didunia pekerjaan di era digital saat ini.

Blandina Siti

22 Des 2023
kalian mau upskill tapi mau lingkungan belajar yang fun dan supportif? REVOU SOLUSINYA GESSS!!

Rio Ardana

22 Des 2023
RevoU really helped me in developing soft skills, hard skills, and careers, as well as opening my insight into the world of technology more deeply. I can say that this learning experience at RevoU cannot be found anywhere, and I'm very grateful to be part of RevoU.
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