Change the text to include your own content. Adjust the font, size or scale to customize the style.
Include as much or as little text as you want. Tabs grow and shrink vertically to fit your text. Each tab can have a different height and look.
Change the text and add your own content, including any information that is relevant to share. Then customize the font, size and scale to make it your own.
Include as much or as little text as you want. Tabs grow and shrink vertically to fit your text. Each tab can have a different height and look.
Digital Marketing
Ready to launch your digital marketing career? Gain mastery in paid and organic marketing channels, including ads, SEO, content creation, and more. Supercharge your skills with cutting-edge AI modules, crafting impactful content, stunning visuals, and unlocking advanced analytics. Future-proof your digital marketing today!
Change the text to include your own content. Adjust the font, size or scale to customize the style.
Change the text to include your own content. Adjust the font, size or scale to customize the style.
Digital Marketing
Dive into the digital marketing world! Master paid and organic channels, critical thinking skills, and analytical frameworks to boost your digital business.
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Digital Marketing
Dive into the digital marketing world! Master paid and organic channels, critical thinking skills, and analytical frameworks to boost your digital business.
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Digital Marketing
Dive into the digital marketing world! Master paid and organic channels, critical thinking skills, and analytical frameworks to boost your digital business.
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Digital Marketing
Dive into the digital marketing world! Master paid and organic channels, critical thinking skills, and analytical frameworks to boost your digital business.
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Data Analytics
Now with new modules:
Dream of becoming a data analyst? Our program combines core skills like SQL and Python with Al-integrated modules. Build GPT-powered tools, automate workflows, and deliver insights faster. Kickstart your future in data analytics today!
studi independen, aku angkatan 3. seruuuu banget! kemarin SI di RevoU. mentornya baik2 & super helpful pooool. punya banyak temen baruuu yg sampe skrg jd dekettt bangett + nilainya dikonversi 20 sks
Gwww alumni revou.. worth it bgt sih klo bagi gw yg switch career dr teknik... ada praktek langsung juga, gk cuman teori.. mau tanya² bisa DM ajahh yaa
Kalau saya kebetulan yang cocok RevoU kak. Tapi kan tiap orang beda-beda ya cara belajarnya yang nyaman seperti apa. Sedikit tips, coba trial classnya masing-masing aja kak biar bisa merasakan langsung plus-minusnya. Baru dimantapkan pilih 1 untuk full programnya
Poin plus RevoU buat saya: 1. Jadwalnya sesuai dgn aktivitas saya sehari-hari. 2. Sistem kelas & mentoring yg supportif & mendorong utk aktif. 3. Instructor-nya bkn hny praktisi yg berpengalaman tapi ""bisa dan mau ngajar"" 4. Tugas-tugasnya yang hands on. 5. Networking yg luas.
Aku revou kak dan semua teammates ku udh kerja. Trs ada alumni tiap kota sering kopdar smpe skg, gw liat2 mrk semua pd gacor bgt kerjaannya. Kayanya tergantung pribadinya mau aktif ngasah lagi sm networking ngga. Krn kalo make benefit networking direvou ga main2 rekomendasinya
Bertemu selama 3 bulan bersama temen 1 tim dari berbagai daerah jadi pengalaman terbaik berada dilingkungan hebat yang semuanya memiliki ambisi dan kemauan untuk maju. Sekali lagi bersyukur berada dilingkungan ini, dan semangat untuk RevoU Next dan Job Hunter