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Digital Marketing

Ready to launch your digital marketing career? Gain mastery in paid and organic marketing channels, including ads, SEO, content creation, and more. Supercharge your skills with cutting-edge AI modules, crafting impactful content, stunning visuals, and unlocking advanced analytics. Future-proof your digital marketing today!

Now with new module:

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Jul 22, 2022
Aku ambil full stack di revou, ada program career support. Di sana bakal diarahin selama preparing asset (CV,, porto) sharing best practice dari networking-interview, dan ada latihan interview jugaa


Jun 10, 2022
Gw ambil yg 3 bulan full course + 3 bulan project+career support. Kalo di RevoU emg deadline mepet2 sih dan harus mau belajar, enaknya temen2 support buat belajar. instructor juga seru2. Yg paling membantu menurut gw sih pas di career support ya soalnya gw career switcher

Nur Fajar Ivansyah

Jan 11, 2022
I had an unforgettable learning experience while participating in the MSIB Batch 3 - RevoU Tech Academy program. This program taught me about Digital Marketing, Tech Sales, Data Analytics, and Product Management. All of these materials are very interesting to me, especially Digital Marketing.

Thank you to RevoU for this golden opportunity and all parties involved. I am proud to have been a part of RevoU.

Rizka Ramadhani

Jan 11, 2022
I really happy and proud to be part of this program. Special thanks to my team for the great teamwork, instructors and mentors for the insights, and section manager for the help and support.


Jan 11, 2022
Serius, usaha ga akan mengkhianati hasil. Ini yg gw dapet waktu ikut RevoU digital marketing.
Dulunya pesimis karna nganggur, udh usaha cari kerja ga dpt2. Terus pas ikut RevoU berusaha ambis biar jadi best student, dan bener aja. Belum ikut Career Support, udh dpt kerja😅

Dyah Nabila Yulianto

Jan 11, 2022
Before joining the Merdeka X RevoU Campus, I doubted whether I could participate in the activities properly because to be honest, during my studies I never received material related to digital marketing, tech sales, data analytics, and product management. But after I tried to learn it was not as difficult as imagined. The material taught is easy to understand. Moreover, I am not from a linear department with revou, but I can enjoy studying at revou. The learning environment is also very good, with mentors who are always supportive. Thank you revou.

Agnes Pricilia Senjaya

Jan 11, 2022
I managed to enrich myself with knowledge and skill regarding how to deliver product that can fulfill users' needs, how to visualize data using Google Data Studio, how to create cold and followup email with catchy subject and concise body, and last but not least, an end-to-end social media campaign.

Sita Zahra

Jan 10, 2022
Setelah mempelajari Data Analytics selama 4 minggu, ternyata mengolah data bukanlah hal yang mudah karena dibutuhkan ketelitian dan ketepatan dalam menggunakan rumus agar hasil yang didapatkan tepat dan dapat dipertanggung jawabkan

Terima kasih kepada Kak Roman, kak Tiara, dan kak Andi selaku instrustors juga kak Yoga selaku mentor yang telah membagikan ilmu dan pengalamannya serta membantu saya dan teman-teman tim 9 menyelesaikan capstone project dengan hasil terbaik. 🎉 🙏

Christiyono Wijoyo

Jan 9, 2022
Revou ini pantes harga kelasnya agak tinggi dibanding penyedia bootcamp lain ya. Dari sisi kurikulum, assignment, dan channel networking semuanya oke bgt. No wonder mereka masuk di top of mind masyarakat
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