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Digital Marketing

Ready to launch your digital marketing career? Gain mastery in paid and organic marketing channels, including ads, SEO, content creation, and more. Supercharge your skills with cutting-edge AI modules, crafting impactful content, stunning visuals, and unlocking advanced analytics. Future-proof your digital marketing today!

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wall of love

Siti Nadiva Sam'iya

Jan 1, 2023
I gained a lot of valuable experience during this program. I have learned a lot from great people here. I will always be extremely grateful for the opportunity given to me.

Lastly, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the section managers, mentors, instructors, and teammates who helped me during this program. You all are amazing!

Rizky Axell

Jan 1, 2023
It was an incredible journey and great experiences to get a lot new things for me. Big thanks for my teammates, mentors, and section manager. I was really helped by a very cool and innovative range of mentors, it made me learn a lot about the world of work professionalism

Wiwik Agustina

Dec 31, 2022
Dan siapa sangka, 6 bulan sabbatical moment saya jadi begitu seru dengan bergabung di RevoU

Karena semua yang terlibat di 2022, finally i got my dream job as SEO Specialist di investing company, which is the world i really love.

Yoga Widarto

Dec 31, 2022
Thank you to the entire team from RevoU for providing a place to gain knowledge for 5 months. I am truly grateful for this beautiful experience and look forward to continuing to connect and share my future achievements.

Meri Setiawati

Dec 31, 2022
It was a great experience because I was able to complete the program very well. This can be achieved with the guidance of extraordinary Instructors, Mentors, and Section Managers.

Risma Ramadani

Dec 31, 2022
Not a single vertical was considered as dull and less important than the other. Through all 4 verticals, I managed to enrich myself with knowledge and skill regarding how to deliver product that can fulfill users' needs, how to visualize data using Google Data Studio, how to create cold and followup email with catchy subject and concise body, and last but not least, an end-to-end social media campaign.

Anggun Sari Dewi

Dec 31, 2022
Rasa terima kasih sekali lagi saya ucapkan kepada seluruh keluarga MSIB RevoU Batch 3, baik dari teman di section yang sama, Section Manager, seluruh mentor dan seluruh instruktur atas ilmu yang bermanfaat dan kenangannya. Terima kasih juga kepada orang-orang hebat dibelakang layar yang menyukseskan program ini.


Dec 11, 2022
Saranku, ikut bootcamp Revou. Ini bukan promosi, aku udah bayarin adik sepupu ikut Revou, after service nya bagus, ada group chat khusus. Karena dia agak bisa bahasa inggris, kusuruh apply ke perusahaan di SG/MY, dan dapet.

Susan Camelia

Jul 31, 2022
Buat saya pribadi, ini adalah pencapaian yang sangat luar biasa. Dari seseorang yang ingin switch career tapi tidak ada basic tech sama sekali, menjadi seseorang yang mulai percaya diri dengan PM hardskills yang didapatkan selama 13 minggu ini.
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