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Digital Marketing

Dive into the digital marketing world! Master paid and organic channels, critical thinking skills, and analytical frameworks to boost your digital business.

Why RevoU
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Aan Aldika Fajar

30 Nov 2023
Penggunaan teknologi dan platform digital untuk memasarkan dan menjual barang dan jasa dikenal sebagai pemasaran digital. “Apakah pemasaran Internet hemat biaya?” Aku bertanya pada diriku sendiri lagi.

Karena pentingnya hal itu, saya memilih untuk mendaftar di Kursus Mini RevoU di bidang Pemasaran Digital. Saya mengucapkan terima kasih kepada seluruh pembicara yang telah berbagi ilmu mengenai hal tersebut. Saya belajar memahami potensi pemasaran digital, mengenali tujuan utama pemasaran online, memahami kelebihan dan kekurangan saluran berbayar versus saluran gratis, serta menilai dan memilih bauran pemasaran online terbaik untuk kampanye masa depan.

Thankyou RevoU🙌🏻

Siti Hayati Astari

30 Nov 2023
Terimakasih kepada kakak team revoU sudah memberikan kesempatan kepada saya bisa bergabung pada RevoU Mini Course Digital Marketing, for 2 weeks saya belajar mengenai digital marketing dengan teachers dari berbagai startup.

Bisa mendapat banyak materi walaupun yang saya ikuti baru mini coursenya seperti, Produk Marketing, How to online/offline marketing, Marketing Channels Paid and Organic, Audience Targeting, Copywriting, SEO, SEM, Facebook/instagram ads, youtube ads, Cara membuat portofolio dan tips-tips interview.


30 Nov 2023
aku lulusan FSDM tahun lalu, alhamdulillah (beneran) bisa switch career dan gak jarang di DM HR di Linkedin untuk nawarin kerjaan. walaupun mahal tp mereka jg ada program cicilan kok (aku jg pake cicilan)👋. kalau msh ragu coba yg gratisnya dulu aja nder


30 Nov 2023
Jujur, waktu ikut mini course nya aja udah bagus banget. Pembawaan materi enak, belajarnya juga enak. Kayanya bootcamp nya lebih bagus lagi


30 Nov 2023
Aku ikut mini coursenya kemaren. Seru tutornya berpengalaman, jelasinnya detail banget. Ikut mini coursenya dulu aja buat kenalan sama iklimnya

Syauqi Muhammad

23 Nov 2023
😤 Product Design x Product Management?!?! 😤

Delving into the realm of product ideation and development has been a thrilling journey! From conceptualizing solutions rooted in user value and streamlined user flow to embracing the intricacies of MVP concepts, wireframes, and translating solutions into actionable product requirements—it's been a learning curve filled with excitement and growth.

Faiby Jauw Kartadinata

22 Nov 2023
Just wrapped up an incredible knowledge-sharing session with PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk a state-owned company that's redefining the game! 🚀
Collaboration with RevoU

We delved deep into the world of content marketing and social media strategy, exchanging experiences and challenging each other's minds to bring the best solutions to the table. The enthusiasm and working methods I witnessed shattered any misconceptions about state-owned companies being 'old-fashioned'.

What truly impressed me was how they asked questions; it spoke volumes about the company's values. They're not just attracting the best talent; they're nurturing it. Every question was a step towards individual growth and the company's progress.

Here's to the power of collaboration and learning from each other. Let's keep pushing boundaries and innovating together! 🤝💡

Putri Hasti

22 Nov 2023
Hi! aku mau sharing study case saat mengikuti mini course di revou. Ini adalah mini course pertama aku yang sampai buat study case gitu, awalnya bingung karena cuma tau materi aja dan saat ngerjain study case ini ngebantu banget buat aku bisa tau cara direal nanti saat bekerja seperti apa🥹❤️

Amalia Ayu Utami

20 Nov 2023
This mini course is highly recommended for fresh graduates who switch careers like me. Professional mentors who are experts in their fields teach the material from the zero, so this course is straightforward to understand. RevoU also provides certification test and study case to check the abilities of its participants. Everything you can get for free!🤩
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