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Digital Marketing

Dive into the digital marketing world! Master paid and organic channels, critical thinking skills, and analytical frameworks to boost your digital business.

Why RevoU
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Lyvia Tanjung

It's never too late to learn about new things! Terima kasih RevoU yang sudah kasih kesempatan untuk 'menyicipi' dunia digital marketing lewat mini course selama 2 minggu ini. Materinya mudah dipahami, pembicaranya juga keren-keren!


pas mulai mentoring di RevoU tuh kayak "anjay mana ngerti gua tentang ngajarin bikin cover letter, bikin CV, dll" but well turns out even your personal experience can become a gold mine for other people who were walking the same path ❤

Neti Herliani

In my second month at RevoU, I had the opportunity to learn the fundamentals of being a data analyst. The learning started with understanding business problems, performing EDA, understanding data processing (cleaning data, handling outliers, data interpretation), and creating easy-to-understand data visualizations. With this knowledge, I hope to be well prepared for a career in data. I'm excited to look forward to another great opportunity🌠


aku beruntung punya support system dari alumni RevoU. Aku bisa bilang, sampai sekarang RevoU ngasih dampak besar selain materi dan study case yang di berikan, ada para alumni nya yang membantu

Novita Sari

Aku sangat beryukur, Setelah join di RevoU dan berada di Career Support Class, aku jadi punya harapan baru untuk job hunting! 😅
Sesi Career Support selama 3 weeks kali ini yaitu, mulai dari How to Planning My Career, Building My Assets, CV & Portfolio, How to Salary & Benefit Negotiation, sampai Peer-to-Peer Interview Workshop dan langsung diberi feedback oleh instructor.
Jadi kita tau apa saja yang perlu dioptimize.

Gita Permata Ariana

Sekitar tiga tahun lalu, saya selalu aja ngerasa deg-degan tiap mau interview, baik interview HR ataupun interview user. Takut salah jawab, takut gatau jawabannya, takut salah ngomong, takut nge-blank, dan banyak takut-takut lainnya. Tapi gara-gara RevoU, saya jadi punya perspektif baru!

Ambara Putra

In my second month at RevoU, I had the opportunity to learn the fundamentals of being a data analyst. The learning started with understanding business problems, performing EDA, understanding data processing (cleaning data, handling outliers, data interpretation), and creating easy-to-understand data visualizations.

Haydar Walid Aziem Ramadhon

For me, RevoU gave me many new insights, new things to learn, new connections, and much more that make me better than ever.

Alya Azhni Mulya

I want to share my journey with the RevoU Data Analytics Mini Course. This two-week program has been excellent! I learned a lot about Data Analytics, starting from the fundamentals, understanding business problems, data metrics, data cleansing, analysis tools such as SQL, data visualization using Tableau, how to communicate data insight with a presentation, and even the career path in Data Analytics.
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