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Neti Herliani
In my second month at RevoU, I had the opportunity to learn the fundamentals of being a data analyst. The learning started with understanding business problems, performing EDA, understanding data processing (cleaning data, handling outliers, data interpretation), and creating easy-to-understand data visualizations. With this knowledge, I hope to be well prepared for a career in data. I'm excited to look forward to another great opportunity🌠
Novita Sari
Aku sangat beryukur, Setelah join di RevoU dan berada di Career Support Class, aku jadi punya harapan baru untuk job hunting! 😅
Sesi Career Support selama 3 weeks kali ini yaitu, mulai dari How to Planning My Career, Building My Assets, CV & Portfolio, How to Salary & Benefit Negotiation, sampai Peer-to-Peer Interview Workshop dan langsung diberi feedback oleh instructor.
Jadi kita tau apa saja yang perlu dioptimize.
Gita Permata Ariana
Sekitar tiga tahun lalu, saya selalu aja ngerasa deg-degan tiap mau interview, baik interview HR ataupun interview user. Takut salah jawab, takut gatau jawabannya, takut salah ngomong, takut nge-blank, dan banyak takut-takut lainnya. Tapi gara-gara RevoU, saya jadi punya perspektif baru!
Ambara Putra
In my second month at RevoU, I had the opportunity to learn the fundamentals of being a data analyst. The learning started with understanding business problems, performing EDA, understanding data processing (cleaning data, handling outliers, data interpretation), and creating easy-to-understand data visualizations.
Alya Azhni Mulya
I want to share my journey with the RevoU Data Analytics Mini Course. This two-week program has been excellent! I learned a lot about Data Analytics, starting from the fundamentals, understanding business problems, data metrics, data cleansing, analysis tools such as SQL, data visualization using Tableau, how to communicate data insight with a presentation, and even the career path in Data Analytics.
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