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Digital Marketing

Dive into the digital marketing world! Master paid and organic channels, critical thinking skills, and analytical frameworks to boost your digital business.

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Sandi Permahesa

Kelas Langsung & ramah Fulltimer

Dengan live class , kelas jadi lebih terasa interaktif. Bisa dapet feedback langsung juga dari instruktur !

Selain itu, jadwalnya di luar jam kerja (19.00-21.00 WIB) , jadi cocok banget buat fulltimer !

Ilham Andriyansyah

When I started this course, I had no idea what to expect. I was nervous, excited, and a little bit scared. But as soon as I got started, I knew that it was a good decision. The content was challenging, but engaging, and I found myself learning new things every day.


Selain materi pembelajarannya yang mudah diterima, pemateri yang disediakan oleh RevoU juga menjelaskan materi dengan cukup detil. Sehingga sangat mudah diterima, apalagi buat kamu yang tidak memiliki background IT sekalipun.


Aku pernah ambil full stack digital marketing di RevoU, awalnya ikutan free mini course nya dulu buat tau gambaran kelas di sana kaya gimana, akhirnya keterusan ambil program yang 6 bulan hahaha

Mufidah Casilda

I would not talk about some popular courses at RevoU, yet there is one amazing program you may never know. The program is Career Support, it helps me to identify my career problems and figure out ways to best cope with them.

If you want to switch careers to be a Digital Marketer like me, you won't be alone in your career development process. You will be coached by the Expertise in The Tech Industries who have gone through what you will be facing during a job search.

It's so worth it, not only knowledge and skills of Digital Marketing but also the strong and good networking that I get in RevoU.

"It feels more like medication than coaching."

Diniyah Hidayati

💻 Every digital campaign can be tracked 😎 Running back through the Week 3 of RevoU Fullstack Digital Marketing Faculty where I excuted a task to create Measurement Plan!
The asked-tasks are included:
1. Created Hard KPI, Soft KPI, and Good to Know
2. Created Event and Triggers Description
3. Implemented our Measurement plan using Google Tag Manager

Ariesto Wahyu Tri Wibowo

Thank You for the opportunity RevoU . I enjoy the class. 2 Pekan terasa cepat dan menyenangkan. Semoga dapat bertemu lagi di kesempatan lain.

Kharisma Rahmatika Irfani

Mini Course yang ISINYA DAGING SEMUA! 😲 RevoU One of the classes that I waiting for...
'CV Review' Thank you atas materi yang informatif dan review CV nya insightful banget! Nggak nyesel deh ikut mini course digital marketing di RevoU 😍

Ayvan Vami

Apresiasi kelas Career Support RevoU ♥

Ga kerasa udah satu bulan kita di kasih bekal untuk mempersiapkan diri untuk #jobhunting .

Pada mulanya aku mengira kelasnya hanya sekedar sharing ilmu umum bagaimana menanggapi soalan interview, ternyata jauh lebih mendalam 😮

Kita diajar untuk mengetahui #value diri kita, memperbaiki CV dan Portfolio, latihan interview, dan cara negosiasi gaji.
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