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Digital Marketing

Dive into the digital marketing world! Master paid and organic channels, critical thinking skills, and analytical frameworks to boost your digital business.

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Farchan Noor Rachman

mantap jayaaa! revou memang oke kok bootcamp-nya tu.

Putu Karina G.

Proudly Graduated from RevoU Tech Academy x Kampus Merdeka Batch 4!🎓🚀 After 4 capstone projects and endless team discussions, I am thrilled to announce that I have successfully completed the comprehensive RevoU Tech Academy program! Over the past months, I immersed myself in diverse study scopes, including Product Management, Digital Marketing, Data Analytics, and Software Engineering, to equip myself with a powerful skill set for the tech industry. Having the experience to be a Captain Lead in Digital Marketing vertical also taught me a lot, especially leadership skills! Gratitude goes out to the RevoU Tech Academy team for providing this fantastic opportunity and for shaping me into a well-rounded professional ready to take on the industry's challenges.


kelas terakhir di revou..

gatau tp aku sedih bgt mau slesai program ini, aku udh terlalu nyaman jd bagian revou+nusantara hehehe. smg bisa ketemu di lain waktu guise😭🙏🏼

Anandia H.

It has been a few months since I finished Full Stack Data Analytics & Labs at RevoU. It was a life changing experience, literally. I joined Revou's FSDA with a mindset that I need to change my career path even though I have been working for almost 6 years at that time. I realized that I have no tech or science background (I'm from Accounting major), therefore I worked extra hard on assignments and tried to be active during lectures. I didn't want to waste the precious time of being a RevoU student.
Fast forward a few months later, I am now a Data Analyst in infinID. I will be forever grateful for my friends and teammates who has supported each other during tough times in class.

Nabiila Azzahra

Pengalaman yang seru bisa belajar "PDKT" dengan digital marketing di Mini Course Digital Marketing RevoU selama 10 hari. Meskipun rasanya singkat, tetapi tetap padat

Putri Nur Aisyah

Such a great journey at RevoU :"") Sungguh, penuh perjuangan luar biasa untuk terus berkembang mengemban ilmu baru ini. Sudah dua bulan saya bekerjasama dengan tim terbaik di Section Barcelona. Drama lucu-lucu dan gemes-gemes ada banget, tapi hal itu juga yang membuat kami semakin erat.

Imam Nur Hidayat

Thrilled to share that I've achieved an excellent grade and have mastered numerous digital marketing skills, including marketing analytics, Google Ads, Meta Ads, CRM, content marketing, social media organic, and more. 📈 Ready to take on the world as a Full Stack Digital Marketing expert! 💪

Nidya Paramitha

Sy mengikuti revou bukan untuk mencari pekerjaan baru di bidang Digital Marketing. sy hanya pemilik usaha small enterprise dan padat karya, dan ingin upskill di bidang digital. apa yang saya pelajari di Revou dangat amat beguna untuk bisnis sy kedepannya. sy jadi semakin paham baiknya harus mengarah seperti apa dan bagaimana.
Saya merekomendasikan untuk para Bussiness owner yang memiliki ketertarikan di dunia DM, tapi bingung apa yg cocok terlebih dahulu untuk dimulai, untuk join FSDM di Revou. Enterpreuneur dengan pengetahuan dasar dan pola pikir Digital Marketing is superb!
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