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Risma Ramadani
31 Des 2022
Not a single vertical was considered as dull and less important than the other. Through all 4 verticals, I managed to enrich myself with knowledge and skill regarding how to deliver product that can fulfill users' needs, how to visualize data using Google Data Studio, how to create cold and followup email with catchy subject and concise body, and last but not least, an end-to-end social media campaign.
Anggun Sari Dewi
31 Des 2022
Rasa terima kasih sekali lagi saya ucapkan kepada seluruh keluarga MSIB RevoU Batch 3, baik dari teman di section yang sama, Section Manager, seluruh mentor dan seluruh instruktur atas ilmu yang bermanfaat dan kenangannya. Terima kasih juga kepada orang-orang hebat dibelakang layar yang menyukseskan program ini.
22 Jul 2022
Aku ambil full stack di revou, ada program career support. Di sana bakal diarahin selama preparing asset (CV,, porto) sharing best practice dari networking-interview, dan ada latihan interview jugaa
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