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Why RevoU

Farrel Mahardhika Fajar
Nov 4, 2023
I was given the opportunity to present during a class session of Management Academy facilitated by RevoU, where I gained invaluable insights into what makes a quality team player. This experience reinforced my aim towards effective leadership and fostering a positive team environment.
Leadership is not about just ordering members around but rather about inspiring and empowering others. I am excited to put these obtained knowledge into practice to thrive for productive work environment.

Muhammad Kukuh Prayogo
Nov 2, 2023
Remembering the exhilaration of our first product management project at RevoU. Our mission? Analyze Joox, the popular on-demand music streaming service. We dived deep into understanding its current conditions, identifying areas for improvement, clarifying our motivations, and strategizing the best implementation methods.
One thing that became crystal clear on this journey is that collaboration is the lifeblood of any project. The diverse perspectives and skills of our team members were our greatest assets. Effective communication, especially with multiple contributors, made all the difference in our success.
Now, as I implement these lessons in the real world, I've come to realize that product management is an endlessly fascinating, ever-evolving field. The learning never stops.

Usriya Ni'ma
Nov 2, 2023
RevoU Mini Course 01 & 02 November 2023
Pembahasan di 2 hari awal bulan November ini bener-bener favorit dan interest aku, yaitu copywriting. Bersama pemateri yang pembawaannya sangat fun dan mudah dimengerti!
Materi tentang dasar copywriting dikupas tuntas mulai dari bagaimana strategi menentukan audience yang baik, sampai strategi menentukan headline dan copywriting. Semakin paham materinya karena dibarengi dengan simulasi langsung cara menentukan persona brand dan penggunaan strategi AIDA+C pada copywriting.

Isfanz Ainu
Oct 31, 2023
Creativity is Intelligence Having Fun✨
Dapet banyak banget ilmu dan insight baru dari ka Yudystira Pradana 🙌🏻
2 hari isinya daging semuaa!!! suka banget sama open discussionnya jadi mimin-mimin sosmed pada tau juga keresahan masing-masing😅
Analisis insight sosmed seeee-penting itu ya gengs ternyata!!! Bukan cuma bikin konten - post - tinggalin - repeat
RevoU x Kemenkes RI
was a lit🔥

Marcella Evalie
Oct 28, 2023
Nice sharing today from RevoU about how to be a great manager.
1. Gimana kalau ada tim yang bagus performance nya tapi attitude nya kurang bagus?
- ajak bicara, masih tidak bisa berubah lalu kasih SP
2. Perlu atasan atau bawahan yang menyesuaikan diri?
- bawahan
3. Bagaimana menjalin hubungan atasan-bawahan?
- salah satunya dengan jaga image, memang perlu jarak sedikit mau tidak mau

Herandika Ilmam K
Oct 28, 2023
I had the privilege of participating in the "Strategies for Managing Former Coworkers" seminar, and I wanted to share some of the key takeaways and insights I gained from the experience.
The seminar provided a deep dive into the complexities of working with and managing former colleagues. Here are a few highlights:
What truly set this seminar apart were the real-world case studies and examples. They brought the content to life, illustrating how the strategies discussed can be applied in a variety of professional settings.
This seminar was a fantastic opportunity to enhance my leadership and management skills.

Vincent Budiman
Oct 19, 2023
I'm deeply grateful for the trust and the opportunity to join PT Bank Sinarmas Tbk as part of the Product Team. It's a chance to put into practice the valuable experience I gained while working closely with my previous PMs.
Transitioning from project management to product management has been a mind-blowing journey. I'm excited about the possibilities it offers and how it aligns with my career aspirations.
I'm also thrilled to have had the opportunity to dive deep into the world of Product Management through expert training at RevoU. This experience has enriched my understanding of Product Management, including all aspects of product iterations, end-to-end.
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