Accelerate Your Career in Data Analytics

•  LIVE Class  •  Job Guarantee  •  Largest Community with 9000+ Alumni

Learn from Leading Data Analysts in SEA and accelerate your career as a Data Analyst. If you don't get a job, we will REFUND your tuition fee up to 100%!


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Next batch starts on
September 2024
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Our graduates work for Southeast Asia's top companies

We'll help you get hired! We’ll work with you throughout the program and after finishing the program to help you build your portfolio, practice interviews, and land a job that fits your career goals.
...and many more!

What is a Data Analyst?

Data Analysts are responsible for seeking answers to why things happen. For example, why did our 5.5 campaign exceed the target revenue by 200%? Why did our monthly app users decrease by 30%?

What skills do you need to become a successful Data Analyst?

Analytical thinking
Mathematics and statistics (working with numbers)
Database skill and programming (R, Python, SQL)
Communication skill

What degree or education level should you have?

You don’t need to graduate from an IT or statistic major. You can learn and master all the knowledge and skills required to become a successful Data Analyst in this program.

Is my career path only limited to a Data Analyst role?

You will not be limited to only a data analyst role through this program. You can also be a:
•  Business analyst
•  Product analyst
•  Sales analyst
•  Marketing analyst
•  and other analyst roles!

Why start a career as a Data Analyst?

High Salary
According to salary survey report, associate data analysts position (entry-level) salary can start from Rp8,000,000 - Rp15,000,000
Promising Career Path
As a data analyst, your insights are the main driver of the company's decision-making; thus, you will have a high chance of leadership and management roles.
No Coding Skills Needed
You don’t need IT background or skills to start your career as a Data Analyst

Why learn at RevoU?

Flexible Payment Options
Finance your education with low monthly payments. Complete the program with the help of our financing partners.
Learn the Most in-Demand Skills
We partner with the best tech companies in South East Asia to design the curriculum. We only focus on real-life skills needed to succeed in your career.
LIVE Classes by Industry Leaders
You will be taught by leading international industry practitioners working for some of the top tech companies in SEA.
Flexible around your Schedule
Attend our live, interactive online classroom from anywhere. All you need is an Internet connection and commit to 15-20 hours of intense studying per week.
Work on Projects Guided By Experts to Get You Job-Ready
You will build your portfolio as an aspiring data analyst by doing projects, solving case studies, and working with various datasets. You will be exposed to many business models, project requirements, and guided by many stakeholders.

Learn From The Best in The Business

Zulhans Ramadhan Maharoesman
Business Intelligence & Data Warehouse Manager at Goto Financial
Ahmad Arib Alfarisy
Business Intelligence Analyst at Tripledot Studios
Christina Alexandra
Campaign Manager at Emtek Digital
Regita Hikmatuz Zakia
Data & Training Manager at Tetherfi
Suparjo Tamin
Data Analyst at Traveloka
Akmal Fadhlurrahman
Data Scientist at Citibank
Rahmat Hidayatullah
Principal Data Scientist at XL Axiata
Muhammad Mustain
Senior Data Analyst at Gojek
Ferdinand Sanjaya
Sr Business Intelligence Analyst at Goto Group

What You'll Learn in Data Analytics Program

You will learn all of this in only 3 months, where it would usually take years. The theory, practice, and soft-skill development, will help to start your career in data analytics.

1st Month: Fundamentals of Data Analytics

Understanding business problems
Data cleaning and preparation
Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
Hypothesis testing and Google Add-ons

2nd Month: SQL and Python

Basic SQL
Data manipulation and joins ins
Data formatting and cleaning
Real case studies
Common Table Expression (CTE)
Window function
Data cleaning and preparation
Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
Cluster analysis
Customer segmentation
Regression analysis
Correlation analysis

3rd Month: Data Visualization, Communication, and AI

Data Visualization
Powered by
Storytelling using data visualization
Fundamentals of data visualization
Data preparation for visualization
Data Communication
Communication structure
Storytelling with data
Constructing presentations
NEW! Data Analytics with AI
AI for Spreadsheets
AI for SQL
AI for Python
AI for Data Communication

4th - 6th Month: Career Prep, Projects, and Case Studies

(optional in RevoU Next)
Defining career goals and how to achieve it
Portfolio and CV building with your career mentors
Practice interviews with your career mentors

Elevate Your Professional Experience with Virtual Internships

Experience the dynamic world of corporate challenges and gain invaluable skills through a series of immersive case studies and simulated tasks. Our virtual internships provide a unique opportunity to tackle real-world problems faced by renowned companies such as Telkom Indonesia and Zurich Topas Life.

Connect with real users, present your work directly, and receive invaluable feedback.

Enhance your resume by showcasing the logos of top companies in your portfolio.

Develop essential technical and soft skills such as problem-solving and strategic thinking to advance your career.

Check Out Past Virtual Internship Subject Areas


Business Dashboard

Create a business performance dashboard to help the management team make informed business decisions.


Customer Data

Conduct customer segmentation analysis to know the characteristics of each customer segment.


Seller Analysis

Gain insights into seller behavior to make data-driven decisions that will improve seller performance and satisfaction.


Customer Retention

Analyze data related to customer behavior, purchases, and preferences to identify trends and patterns to reduce churn.

I am happy to join this Virtual Internship at RevoU X Telkom. I feel honored, to be chosen to present my findings to Mr. Ryan Andhika Perdana as an Expert Data Lead at Telkom Indonesia. His feedback and guidance have truly enriched my knowledge, such as trying to explore data from the seller's side, giving more detail about the product category, and adding new metrics like unique buyer per province.
D. Yuppi Kurniawan Kristanto
Student Full Stack Data Analytics Jan'23

RevoU Learning Timeline

Not only intensive learning directly from experts, we guide you until you are ready to work.

Launch Your Successful Career in Data Analytics with RevoU NEXT

Land a job, with RevoU NEXT full support

Master the Art of Job Hunting

Choosing RevoU is about more than just acquiring tech skills. It’s about embarking on a transformative journey towards your dream job. We’re your career co-pilots, guiding you every step of the way to ensure your success.

Your Roadmap to Job Hunting Mastery

Set Your Sights on Success

Elevate your brand through innovative digital marketing solutions, custom and data-driven strategies, channel expertise, and flawless execution.

Together, we’ll help you define your career goals and create a plan to achieve them.
Ready, Set, Impress!

Elevate your brand through innovative digital marketing solutions, custom and data-driven strategies, channel expertise, and flawless execution.

We’ll ensure you’re fully prepared with a standout portfolio and a professional network to back it up.
Master the Art of Applying & Networking

Elevate your brand through innovative digital marketing solutions, custom and data-driven strategies, channel expertise, and flawless execution.

We’ll show you how to navigate the job market and build valuable connections.
Ace Your Interview with Confidence

Elevate your brand through innovative digital marketing solutions, custom and data-driven strategies, channel expertise, and flawless execution.

From HR to user interviews, we’ll equip you with the skills to impress any interviewer.
Negotiate Like a Pro

Elevate your brand through innovative digital marketing solutions, custom and data-driven strategies, channel expertise, and flawless execution.

We’ll teach you the art of salary negotiation so you can secure the best deal for your skills and experience.

Elevate Your Professional Experience with Virtual Internships

Experience the dynamic world of corporate challenges and gain invaluable skills through a series of immersive case studies and simulated tasks. Our virtual internships provide a unique opportunity to tackle real-world problems faced by renowned companies such as Telkom Indonesia and Zurich Topas Life".

Connect with real users, present your work directly, and receive invaluable feedback.

Enhance your resume by showcasing the logos of top companies in your portfolio.

Develop essential technical and soft skills such as problem-solving and strategic thinking to advance your career.

Check Out Past Virtual Internship Subject Areas


Business Dashboard

Create a business performance dashboard to help the management team make informed business decisions.


Customer Data

Conduct customer segmentation analysis to know the characteristics of each customer segment.


Seller Analysis

Gain insights into seller behavior to make data-driven decisions that will improve seller performance and satisfaction.


Customer Retention

Analyze data related to customer behavior, purchases, and preferences to identify trends and patterns to reduce churn.

I am happy to join this Virtual Internship at RevoU X Telkom. I feel honored, to be chosen to present my findings to Mr. Ryan Andhika Perdana as an Expert Data Lead at Telkom Indonesia. His feedback and guidance have truly enriched my knowledge, such as trying to explore data from the seller's side, giving more detail about the product category, and adding new metrics like unique buyer per province.
D. Yuppi Kurniawan Kristanto
Student Full Stack Data Analytics Jan'23

Guiding You Towards Success at Every Turn

Our dedicated Student Development Coordinator (SDC) and HR Coach are committed to supporting your journey towards a thriving data analytics career.

Benefit from personalized career coaching and comprehensive training

Identify your strengths and weaknesses with expert guidance

Receive valuable feedback on your portfolio and gain interview preparation tips

Navigate your projects with confidence through expert guidance and mentorship

Master the Art of Job Interviews

Enhance your interview performance and boost your confidence with our expert-guided mock interviews.

Sharpen your interview skills by having mock interviews with real HR professionals and users from renowned companies

Receive personalized feedback to enhance your hireability and make impactful improvements

Unlock the opportunity to participate in two mock interviews every month, providing valuable practice and preparation

Tuition Fee

With these payment options

9000+ Student Lives Transformed and Counting!

Testimonial Image
Widyarta Mega Paramita


Buat saya pribadi, fondasi ilmu, struktur berpikir, bahkan mindset yang saya dapatkan selama berproses di RevoU sedikit banyak membantu saya di pencapaian saat ini.

Testimonial Image
Fahmi H.


Lecturer tiap minggu yang bener-bener bisa sampein materi super jelas, dengan contoh dari kasus2 yang nyata. Tanya jawab yang insightful bikin capenya kebayar.

Testimonial Image


Aku alumni di sini hehe Ada harga, ada kualitas. Bootcamp di revou itu kelasnya hampir tiap hari (seminggu 5x pertemuan selama 3 bulan), tiap minggu tugas individu Dibandingkan sama bootcamp lain, intensitasnya beda jauh. Lalu tambahan 3 bulan untuk real project/magang.

Testimonial Image


Tapi worth it banget emang mentornya di revou, gak kaleng2 sih. Kelasnya fun jugaa jadi gak boring dan bikin student pada ambis buat kerjain tugas. Based on my own experience.

Testimonial Image
vigilante syit


Glad aku ikutan d revou jelas bgttt, saking jelasnya dikejar target buat bs dptin job dn improve skills, dr mock up interview ampe workshop tiap minggu. alhamdulillah udh kerja skrg sblm bootcampnya selesai

Testimonial Image
Ermira Prayacitra


Terimakasih revoU, merasa beruntung bs belajar disni kurikulumnya mature, Intructornya expert, Kelas yang seru dgn SM dan TL menyenangkan dan praktek yang real

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6000+ Student Lives Transformed and Counting!

Testimonial Image
Widyarta Mega Paramita


Buat saya pribadi, fondasi ilmu, struktur berpikir, bahkan mindset yang saya dapatkan selama berproses di RevoU sedikit banyak membantu saya di pencapaian saat ini.

Testimonial Image
Fahmi H.


Lecturer tiap minggu yang bener-bener bisa sampein materi super jelas, dengan contoh dari kasus2 yang nyata. Tanya jawab yang insightful bikin capenya kebayar.

Testimonial Image


Aku alumni di sini hehe Ada harga, ada kualitas. Bootcamp di revou itu kelasnya hampir tiap hari (seminggu 5x pertemuan selama 3 bulan), tiap minggu tugas individu Dibandingkan sama bootcamp lain, intensitasnya beda jauh. Lalu tambahan 3 bulan untuk real project/magang.

Testimonial Image


Tapi worth it banget emang mentornya di revou, gak kaleng2 sih. Kelasnya fun jugaa jadi gak boring dan bikin student pada ambis buat kerjain tugas. Based on my own experience.

Testimonial Image
vigilante syit


Glad aku ikutan d revou jelas bgttt, saking jelasnya dikejar target buat bs dptin job dn improve skills, dr mock up interview ampe workshop tiap minggu. alhamdulillah udh kerja skrg sblm bootcampnya selesai

Testimonial Image
Ermira Prayacitra


Terimakasih revoU, merasa beruntung bs belajar disni kurikulumnya mature, Intructornya expert, Kelas yang seru dgn SM dan TL menyenangkan dan praktek yang real

See More

Admission Process

RevoU is a fast-paced, immersive, online education experience. Through our admissions process we make sure that our program is right for you, so you can get the most out of it.

2-minutes short Application Form

15 questions Analytical Assessment

Motivational Essay

Do you really want to achieve a successful career? What are your career goals? Tell us about it!

15-mins quick video call with us

You can consult your perfect payment plan and how you can achieve your goals with us

Be an Elite Data Analyst Now

Comes with a Job Guarantee that will refund up to 100% of your tuition fee if you don't get a job after finishing the program

Frequently Asked Questions

Will I automatically get a job after finishing the program?

After the RevoU Course (3 months), you can take the RevoU Next (additional 3 months, including RevoU NEXT and Career Support) to prepare for your new career. We will help you have portfolio projects, practice interviews, and every other skill needed to start a new job. So far, 96% active jobseeking alumni landed jobs.

Will the class be in English?

As English is the chosen language for online communication, most of the reading materials and briefs will be in English to better prepare students for the global digital industry. For in-class learning, there will be English-speaking instructors for some modules and classes. However, if you prefer, you can choose to be allocated in classes that will be fully conducted by Indonesian instructors.

Why do I need to take tests to join this program?

We want to make sure that you are the perfect fit for this program and that you will be able to achieve your goals after the program. Through the test, we'll also make sure to fit you with the needed knowledge to start your career.

Minimum laptop specification for this Data Analytics class?

Windows 7, recommended RAM 4 GB, minimum free disk space 3.5GB. This allows you to use various tools such as Python, SQL, and others.

Do I need to have an IT background?

No, you don't need a specific background. However, any experience with data, statistics, math, and programming helps. Motivated and passionate about data is a must because the program requires a commitment.

Is it okay to not know anything about coding to join this Data Analytics program?

You don't need to know about coding to join this program. This program is meant to help you learn and master it for your future career in Data Analytics.

What it's like to learn at RevoU Data Analytics program?

Every curriculum creator of this course is a hiring manager and data practitioner, so we create the curriculum based on the needs of companies. You will learn every module in 2 weeks. In the beginning, you will learn about understanding business problems. Then it will progressively get more technical as in the real work of a data analyst.

What is the difference between a data analyst and a data scientist?

Data scientists focus on the algorithm to make a prediction, whereas data analysts are responsible for analyzing data to make a business decision. You will need data analytics knowledge before learning data science. Data analytics is more versatile as you can get into any business or data function. If you want to be more advanced in predictive analytics, you can deep dive into data science.

Can we be a Data Scientist after graduating this program?

Our program lets you master data analytics and start your career as a data analyst, fundamental to every data role. After this program, you can learn more specialized data knowledge and be a data scientist or data engineer.

Will we learn using Python or R?

You'll learn using Python because, based on the feedback from our experts, Python is more versatile and used by more companies.

What are the tools that we'll use in this Data Analytics course?

  • SQL - Google Bigquery
  • Python - Google Colaboratory & Jupyter Notebook
  • Dataviz - Tableau, Google Data Studio
  • Excel & Sheets

Is there a final project?

There will be a final project to help you craft your portfolio. You will present your final project on the pitching day, and we will invite our experts there.

What is RevoU NEXT?

RevoU NEXT is a three-month projects with personalized mentor program where you will apply your knowledge in portfolio projects supervised by our Lead and Strategists.

Where are the Data Analytics alumni working now?

Our data analytics alumni are now working in various sectors such as tech, finance, and even government institutes. Here are some of their stories: