See What Our Students Say About Us

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Brian Jonathan Yahya


I had the incredible opportunity to participate in the RevoU Masterclass, a new free class program by RevoU. The session, titled "AI for Creative: How to Use AI for Creative Asset Production," was an eye-opening experience. During the masterclass, I learned about the latest advancements in generative AI for creating audio and images. It was fascinating to discover how AI can be implemented as a powerful tool in campaign marketing. The lecturer demonstrated the use of Midjourney AI to produce assets for creative marketing and shared valuable tips on crafting effective prompts for image generation.

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Irfan Affandi S.T


I am excited to share that I have successfully completed RevoU intensive 13-week Full-Stack Data Analyst program! This journey has been an incredible learning experience, equipping me with a robust skillset and a deep understanding of the data analysis process.

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Ivan Eko Buwono


After 3 months of intense course of Digital Marketing, I have finished my 3 Month program of Full Stack Digital Marketing at RevoU. There are a lot of memories from struggle to happiness within 3 months of course with my all group friends. So many experience that i have been through from making brand, managing ads like Meta Ads and Google Ads. It's very hard though but it's very fun also during that time.

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Farah Attaya Setiawan


As a fresh graduate, I started this journey in January 2024 with the goal of upskilling myself. Throughout the program, I maintained a positive mindset, stayed curious, thought critically, and embraced new learning opportunities. Thankfully, RevoU provided an incredibly supportive learning environment. My teammates, team leaders, and mentors filled these 14 weeks with joy and invaluable insights. I am beyond grateful to have completed this program!

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Hanin Nazilah


Those 14 weeks in RevoU have been a blast. The incredible experience, the best support from team leads and section manager, and also the outstanding mentor truly set RevoU as one of the best non formal educational settings.

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Nyoman Nadia Devi Laksmiati


Finally, I've managed to create visually appealing and dynamic dashboards in Tableau! 🥳 This is one of the virtual internship projects with RevoU x Telkom Indonesia, where I developed a dashboard to visualize sales performance from a B2B marketplace.

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Daniel Reven


One Adversary Is Already Too Much, But One Thousand Allies Are Never Enough. Among many life lessons I've learned, especially throughout my career, is that "expanding relationships is the key to overcome hardships". I first learned it as an introverted elementary schooler, and only began to realize its truth as a college student, far away from home, where I spent my entire childhood and teenage years sheltered and pampered. So much, that at the time, I thought my family is all I needed😅 The more we advance in age, the more hardships we'll encounter. When we reach adulthood, we finally learn to survive by thriving in our careers, and from my personal experiences, it is really hard indeed, as the grownups said when I was younger. It is a fact that has existed for eons, since the first lifeforms came into this world. But then I realized that everything is hard when we try to shoulder everything alone. When I learned at RevoU, I was taught to build as many connections as possible to get a good job and do well at work. And truly, I've gained much from that. They taught me many new things I've never known before, and sincerely extended their hands to help me overcome hardships. People come and go, but always open your door for new people to come, and old people to return. Remember, our network is our net worth. When our coffers, granaries, and hearts are down to zero, there will always be a hero 😁

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Vita Dwi Ramadini


Celebrating my journey into the world of data analytics, starting from my desire to enhance my background as a Library and Information Science graduate. Being able to derive insights from data to solve problems brings me immense joy. I truly believe that data analytics is something really cool. And exactly a year ago, in this same month, I decided to enroll in a data analytics course at RevoU. I spent about three months diving into the full stack of data analytics, from fundamentals to technical skills, and even communication with experts. Then, I embarked on another three months of internship, directly supervised by expert users. In this program, the focus was on end-to-end project work, directly associated with Zurich Insurance. It was an incredible experience.

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Satria Mangasi Junior


Thank you RevoU for knowledge about software engineering for 2 weeks. It was really fun learning with Revou starting from learning to create a website from scratch, using GIT, GitHub, and also writing JavaScript sysntax, presenter and moderator.

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Bianca Ariza Zain Kiemas


Proud to present my data analysis project as a Data Analyst Associate with RevoU x Telkom Indonesia, focusing on the B2B Marketplace Telkom. Guided by mentors, with expert insights, we've explored key performance metrics and their impact on Indonesian SMEs.

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Fairuzia Zahira


Thrilled to share my newest milestone in my data analytics journey!! As a part of the virtual internship with RevoU x Telkom Indonesia, I finished making a performance monitoring dashboard for Telkom B2B Marketplace 📊🎉

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Aurelia Joceline Haury


I had the pleasure of doing virtual internship as an Associate Product Manager with Save the Children Indonesia, as part of RevoU NEXT program which has consistently been a wonderful learning journey for me.

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Kukuh Haryobismoko


It's been a great experience working with Metabase to explore the data insights! This was part of my Virtual Internship project with RevoU x Telkom Indonesia

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Windy Natasha Putri


Just completed my first project during my virtual internship at Telkom! The project involved creating a dashboard aimed at the sales team and their managers to monitor overall sales performance, including transaction-related metrics, user-related metrics, and product performance.

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Evitha B.


Saya ingin mengucapkan terimakasih kepada RevoU karna sudah membuka short class DAMC (Data Analysis). Sehingga saya mendapatkan ilmu yang baru dan pengenalan akan tools baru serta mendengarkan pengalaman alumni RevoU pada saat bekerja yang berkaitan dengan analytics.

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Dewi Indrawati


"Don't wait, create!" This is the most important lesson I have learned about Social Media marketing at RevoU during Weeks 9 and 10. I put this into practice by executing a 360 social media strategy for a well-known coffee shop launching a new product. I was able to gain a deeper understanding of social media and its impact on business. It's like being handed a bag of the finest beans – ready to be roasted into something truly impactful.

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Agung Prasetyo


Happy to share that I’ve completed a digital marketing course with RevoU It was a rewarding experience, learning about new trends and tools in marketing. The sharing sessions were definitely the highlight for me, providing valuable insights and perspectives.

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Mika Julianti Hutahaean


Thank you RevoU with the mini course, I became more aware of what data analytics is and the practice of using Google Data Studio. Very insightful and instructive! Learn more to know more 💫

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Farras Akbar


Over the past two weeks, I have participated in the "Intro to Data Analytics" mini course organized by RevoU. It has been an incredible experience that has greatly expanded my knowledge. The material presented was highly engaging and the speakers were truly captivating! I was truly impressed by the quality of the learning provided.

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Gabby Alviany


Saya senang sekali karena telah berhasil mendapatkan sertifikasi baru: Intro to Digital Marketing dari RevoU! Selama kursus ini, saya memperdalam pemahaman saya tentang berbagai channel dalam digital marketing, termasuk paid acquisition dan retention. Saya juga belajar mengenali persona audience dan target audience, serta menyusun strategi konten yang efektif melalui content pillar. Selain itu, saya mendalami penerapan influencer marketing untuk mencapai tujuan pemasaran. Dengan pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang saya peroleh, saya siap untuk membawa nilai tambah dalam industri digital marketing.

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Ayu Putri Pratama Sari


Saya baru saja menyelesaikan Mini Course Digital Marketing bersama RevoU selama 2 Minggu sangat menyenangkan 🔥🔥 Terimakasih 2 Minggu saya ucapkan RevoU. Selama 2 Minggu ini saya mendapatkan begitu banyak ilmu yang sangat bermanfaat untuk memperdalam ilmu digital marketing yang saya miliki😍

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Ano Jumisa


Crushed the 1st milestone at RevoU's full stack software engineering bootcamp with a SpaceX-inspired website! Over the past 5 weeks, I've delved into the fundamentals of software engineering, mastering basic web development skills. The ultimate test? Creating a website from scratch using HTML and CSS.

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Femilia Nurcahyarini


Buat aku yang switch career harus banget untuk ikut kelas seperti ini. Thanks RevoU udah ngasi ruang belajar. Aku, Pembelajar Digital Marketing pemula 😁🫶🏻

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Niken Ayu Anjartari


Thank you for the amazing experience with the Data Analytics mini course from RevoU! Throughout the two-week course, I gained a lot of knowledge about data analytics, data visualization, the importance of data in the present and future, and the implementation of data analytics (case studies). It was incredibly beneficial and enjoyable.

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Raden Alvi Fadilla


I am exicited to share my first experience with a mock-up HR Interview. It was both nerve-wracking and exhilarating to step into the shoes of proespective job candidate and face the questions that often determine one's career path. I must extend my gratitude to RevoU for providing me with this invaluable opportunity. Engaging in this simulation helped me gain a deeper understanding of what to expect in a real interview setting and allowed me to refine my communication and presentation skills.

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Kharisma Rahmatika Irfani


Mini Course yang ISINYA DAGING SEMUA! 😲 RevoU One of the classes that I waiting for... 'CV Review' Thank you atas materi yang informatif dan review CV nya insightful banget! Nggak nyesel deh ikut mini course digital marketing di RevoU 😍

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Anandia H.


It has been a few months since I finished Full Stack Data Analytics & Labs at RevoU. It was a life changing experience, literally. I joined Revou's FSDA with a mindset that I need to change my career path even though I have been working for almost 6 years at that time. I realized that I have no tech or science background (I'm from Accounting major), therefore I worked extra hard on assignments and tried to be active during lectures. I didn't want to waste the precious time of being a RevoU student. Fast forward a few months later, I am now a Data Analyst in infinID. I will be forever grateful for my friends and teammates who has supported each other during tough times in class.

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Danang Prasetyanto


Changing careers involves a lot of risks, especially if you already have a stable career. Some people will tell you to stop and just be happy with what you have now. I'm also grateful to have joined a RevoU class and meet colleagues who have the same purpose as I do

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pas mulai mentoring di RevoU tuh kayak "anjay mana ngerti gua tentang ngajarin bikin cover letter, bikin CV, dll" but well turns out even your personal experience can become a gold mine for other people who were walking the same path ❤

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Antonius Baseloy Geranamara Sinuraya


Jujur SEO bukan fokus utama dulu selama 3 bulan belajar dalam RevoU, tapi memang hidup gaada yang tau tiba-tiba kerjaan utama sekarang justru handle SEO ini. Anyway salah satu stepping stone buat terjun lebih dalam ke dunia SEO ini, gasabar kedepannya bakal ada apa aja yang dilakuin.

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Cakra Andius Cahyo


Berawal dari tidak mempunyai pekerjaan karena di layoff dan bersyukur ikut sebuah Community dari hasil belajar digital marketing di sebuah bootcamp bernama RevoU. Pada suatu hari community membuat acara bernama Bukan Bukber Biasa. Disanalah awal bertemu dengan seorang teman yang bekerja di industri fashion. Akhirnya saya dibantu oleh teman saya untuk mem-follow up ke atasan nya untuk bisa dijadwalkan interview oleh HR & User. Saya bersyukur sekarang menjadi bagian dari team THENBLANK.

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Indra G.


Tidak terasa sudah memasuki bulan ke 5 saya menapaki langkah di perusahaan baru! Ini merupakan salah satu bagian “pergerakan” besar dalam hidup saya, dimana saya memutuskan untuk berpindah jalur karir dari seorang banker menjadi SEO specialist. Sebuah keputusan berani dan cukup berat perjuangannya. Karena saya harus memulai dari 0 lagi, menimba ilmu dan cari pengalaman lagi dengan mengikuti full stack digital marketing program di RevoU

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vigilante syit


Glad aku ikutan d revou jelas bgttt, saking jelasnya dikejar target buat bs dptin job dn improve skills, dr mock up interview ampe workshop tiap minggu. alhamdulillah udh kerja skrg sblm bootcampnya selesai

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Akari Fuyuki


Saya sendiri bisa dikatakan seorang career switcher. Bagi orang-orang yang ingin mengenal dan mendalami digital marketing tapi tidak ingin kuliah bertahun-tahun, saya merekomendasikan Revou.

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it has been 1 week++ with revoU and i could say i'm FALLING IN LOVE WITH THE ENVIRONMENT, SYSTEM, INSTRUCTOR, and MY SECTION MANAGER. moga2 betah aameen........... 4 months to gooo

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Saffira Dellavia


Selama 3 bulan kemarin, aku belajar banyak banget tentang digital marketing. Mulai dari bikin budgeting, ngerasain build landing page dari 0, terus ngerjain campaign Facebook ads sama Google Ads yang ✨asyik dan menyenangkan✨ hahaha. Gak cuma itu, aku juga lanjut belajar tentang SEO, Social Media Organic, Content Marketing sama CRM. Untungnya, selama di Revou aku ketemu instructor yang seru seru! Thank you so much, Kak! 🙌🏻🔥

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cobain revou mini course nder. kakak2nya friendly, channel discordnya jg rapi ga bikin bingung

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seruu sih di RevoU, punya temen yang di tempat lain beda course bilang suasana kelas jadi poin lebih banget dibanding yang lain. bisa dm kalo info lebih wkwk lagi promo earlybird jadi lebih murah dibanding harga normal

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Ermira Prayacitra


Terimakasih revoU, merasa beruntung bs belajar disni kurikulumnya mature, Intructornya expert, Kelas yang seru dgn SM dan TL menyenangkan dan praktek yang real

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Angelia Yulita


Terima kasih, RevoU, untuk 3 bulan yang penuh pelajaran. Program FSDA yang saya ikuti adalah program yang intensif dan penuh dengan projek nyata, tapi lingkungannya sarat dengan tim internal dan teman-teman yang supportif. Masih banyak yang harus saya pelajari kembali dan sumber yang disediakan (juga selalu bisa diakses setelah lulus) pastinya sangat membantu untuk mengulang pelajaran. Mereka sangat memperhatikan feedback dari para murid dan para instruktur pun sangat terbuka untuk berkoneksi dan berdiskusi dengan kami, meskipun setelah kami lulus. Program ini adalah investasi yang valuable untuk kita semua yang ingin beralih karir di bidang data analisis.

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Susan Camelia


Buat saya pribadi, ini adalah pencapaian yang sangat luar biasa. Dari seseorang yang ingin switch career tapi tidak ada basic tech sama sekali, menjadi seseorang yang mulai percaya diri dengan PM hardskills yang didapatkan selama 13 minggu ini. Dengan bekal yang saya dapatkan selama 13 minggu ini, saya yakin dan percaya akan bisa switch career menjadi Product Manager pretty soon.

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Aku ambil full stack di revou, ada program career support. Di sana bakal diarahin selama preparing asset (CV, LinkedIn, porto) sharing best practice dari networking-interview, dan ada latihan interview jugaa

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Elysa Noy


Yang tadinya siap di PHK perusahaan, setelah belajar di revou gaji malah naik dan cuan dari banyak project sampingan. Selama pandemi tuh ngrasa masa depan gue suram banget, kerja sebagai digital marketer tapi skill minim, ilmu udah ketinggalan jaman banget, bahkan sempet mau resign karena ngerasa kinerja gue kurang optimal. Jadi gue coba investasi leher ke atas, cari-cari digital marketing course, dan ketemu Revou.

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Iring Nurahayu


membentuk etos kerja baru habit productivity yg gak main-main, relasi super berkualitas, leadership dapat juga. awalnya masuk sini untuk upskill. eh malah skrg malah dpt kerjaan baru lgsg dgn jabatan yg g main-main jg. thanks revou.

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Sumpah ya gue ga nyese ikutan RevoU. Gila! Senin lalu 1 on 1 sama career coach. Hari berikutnya paralel rapiin aset. Hari ini, dapet 4 pesan di linkedin. Padahal gue ga sebar apa pun😭

Explore Our Programs & Free Courses


Master organic channels and paid marketing to scale your digital business. Improve your digital channel know-how, critical thinking skills, and analytical frameworks.


Excel your data analytics expertise, business mindset, and communication skills and answer complex business questions with data.


Learn product management skills such as conducting customer research, developing products, and communicating effectively with your stakeholders.

Software engineering

Pursue one of the most resilient careers in Tech as a Software Engineer with a comprehensive understanding of front-end to back-end web development.