Product Man

Kelas selanjutnya: 27 May - 7 June 2024

Tiap Senin - Jumat | 19.00 - 21.00 WIB

Country Product Specialist at IKEA UK & IE

Associate Product Manager - Waste4Change

Product Manager - MNC Group

Team Leader and Senior Recruiter at JAC Group

Product Manager at Quipper

Country Product Specialist at IKEA UK & IE

Associate Product Manager - Waste4Change

Product Manager - MNC Group

Team Leader and Senior Recruiter at JAC Group

Product Manager at Quipper

Hari Ke-1

Introduction to Product Management

Senin, 27 May 2024
19.00 - 21.00 WIB
Introduction to RevoU and co-founder
Definition of product and why product management is important
Skills needed to become a great product managers
Misconception / myth of Product Management
Student success story
Ega Adi Surya
VP of Operations at RevoU
Aloysius Mahagyana
Country Product Specialist at IKEA UK & IE
Akhmad Bahtiar Kuntriadi
Admission Counselor at RevoU
Hari Ke-2
Learning with RevoU

Product Management Role in a Company

Selasa, 28 May 2024
19.00 - 21.00 WIB
Role as a Product Manager in a company
Product Manager vs Project Manager
Great product managers examples
Product Management process
Aloysius Mahagyana
Country Product Specialist at IKEA UK & IE
Hari Ke-3
Practical Simulation:

System architecture in digital product

Rabu, 29 May 2024
19.00 - 21.00 WIB
Introduction to system architecture
Introduction to Front End and Back End - What's the difference
Introduction on Database Management System - how data is stored and processed within an application
Simulation: Designing system architecture of an application
Aloysius Mahagyana
Country Product Specialist at IKEA UK & IE
Hari Ke-4
Practical Simulation:

System architecture in digital product

Kamis, 30 May 2024
19.00 - 21.00 WIB
Introduction to system architecture
Introduction to Front End and Back End - What's the difference
Introduction on Database Management System - how data is stored and processed within an application
Simulation: Designing system architecture of an application
Aloysius Mahagyana
Country Product Specialist at IKEA UK & IE
Hari Ke-5
Career Session + Alumni Sharing Session

How to Prepare Your Product Management Career + How Product Management Changes My Life

Jumat, 31 May 2024
19.00 - 21.00 WIB
Alumni Sharing Session
Challenges and Benefits as Product Manager
Career Tips
Humaira Nisaul Jannah
Associate Product Manager - Waste4Change
Nazly Bayu Marco
Product Manager - MNC Group
Hari Ke-6
Career Session:

Job Seeking 101 session - CV Review

Senin, 3 June 2024
19.00 - 21.00 WIB
How to Craft Your Curriculum Vitae?
CV Review
Tips & Tricks for CV
Live Q&A Session with Career Coach
Gianina Godine
Team Leader and Senior Recruiter at JAC Group
Hari Ke-7
Career Session:
Masterclass with Industry Leaders:

Job Seeking 101 session - Interview Tips

Selasa, 4 June 2024
19.00 - 21.00 WIB
A guide to introduce yourself in interview
LIVE Competition: Self introduction in interview
Tips & Tricks self introduction in an interview session
Live Q&A Session with Career Coach
Gianina Godine
Team Leader and Senior Recruiter at JAC Group
Hari Ke-8
Masterclass with Industry Leaders:

Case Study Review Session

Rabu, 5 June 2024
19.00 - 21.00 WIB
Case Study Presentation
Case Study Review Session by Team Lead
Best Practice Tips on How to Solve the Case Study
QnA Session with Team Lead
Raissa Irena P.
Product Intern at Andali
Hari Ke-9
Masterclass with Industry Leaders:
Masterclass with industry leaders

Self-Development 101: A Roadmap to Professional Growth through Self-Development

Kamis, 6 June 2024
19.00 - 21.00 WIB
How to identify professional strenghts and weaknessess
How to discover your Career Sweet Spot
Tips to build learning and skill enhancement habit
Tips to build strong professional network
Hanan Salsabila, S.Psi., M.Psi., Psikolog
Product Manager - Principle at Warung Pintar
Hari Ke-10
Masterclass with Industry Leaders:
Masterclass with industry leaders

Prioritize Your Product Features

Jumat, 7 June 2024
19.00 - 21.00 WIB
Product Worth Building
Desirability, Feasibility, and Viability Scoreboard
Real study case to use the framework
How to Start Your Journey in Product Management
Nurdela Ardiansyah
Product Manager at Quipper
Hari Ke-1

Introduction to Product Management

Senin, 27 May 2024
19.00 - 21.00 WIB
Introduction to RevoU and co-founder
Definition of product and why product management is important
Skills needed to become a great product managers
Misconception / myth of Product Management
Student success story
Ega Adi Surya
VP of Operations at RevoU
Aloysius Mahagyana
Country Product Specialist at IKEA UK & IE
Akhmad Bahtiar Kuntriadi
Admission Counselor at RevoU
Hari Ke-2
Learning with RevoU

Product Management Role in a Company

Selasa, 28 May 2024
19.00 - 21.00 WIB
Role as a Product Manager in a company
Product Manager vs Project Manager
Great product managers examples
Product Management process
Aloysius Mahagyana
Country Product Specialist at IKEA UK & IE
Hari Ke-3
Practical Simulation:

System architecture in digital product

Rabu, 29 May 2024
19.00 - 21.00 WIB
Introduction to system architecture
Introduction to Front End and Back End - What's the difference
Introduction on Database Management System - how data is stored and processed within an application
Simulation: Designing system architecture of an application
Aloysius Mahagyana
Country Product Specialist at IKEA UK & IE
Hari Ke-4
Practical Simulation:

System architecture in digital product

Kamis, 30 May 2024
19.00 - 21.00 WIB
Introduction to system architecture
Introduction to Front End and Back End - What's the difference
Introduction on Database Management System - how data is stored and processed within an application
Simulation: Designing system architecture of an application
Aloysius Mahagyana
Country Product Specialist at IKEA UK & IE
Hari Ke-5
Career Session + Alumni Sharing Session

How to Prepare Your Product Management Career + How Product Management Changes My Life

Jumat, 31 May 2024
19.00 - 21.00 WIB
Alumni Sharing Session
Challenges and Benefits as Product Manager
Career Tips
Humaira Nisaul Jannah
Associate Product Manager - Waste4Change
Nazly Bayu Marco
Product Manager - MNC Group
Hari Ke-6
Career Session:

Job Seeking 101 session - CV Review

Senin, 3 June 2024
19.00 - 21.00 WIB
How to Craft Your Curriculum Vitae?
CV Review
Tips & Tricks for CV
Live Q&A Session with Career Coach
Gianina Godine
Team Leader and Senior Recruiter at JAC Group
Hari Ke-7
Career Session:
Masterclass with Industry Leaders:

Job Seeking 101 session - Interview Tips

Selasa, 4 June 2024
19.00 - 21.00 WIB
A guide to introduce yourself in interview
LIVE Competition: Self introduction in interview
Tips & Tricks self introduction in an interview session
Live Q&A Session with Career Coach
Gianina Godine
Team Leader and Senior Recruiter at JAC Group
Hari Ke-8
Masterclass with Industry Leaders:

Case Study Review Session

Rabu, 5 June 2024
19.00 - 21.00 WIB
Case Study Presentation
Case Study Review Session by Team Lead
Best Practice Tips on How to Solve the Case Study
QnA Session with Team Lead
Raissa Irena P.
Product Intern at Andali
Hari Ke-9
Masterclass with Industry Leaders:
Masterclass with industry leaders

Self-Development 101: A Roadmap to Professional Growth through Self-Development

Kamis, 6 June 2024
19.00 - 21.00 WIB
How to identify professional strenghts and weaknessess
How to discover your Career Sweet Spot
Tips to build learning and skill enhancement habit
Tips to build strong professional network
Hanan Salsabila, S.Psi., M.Psi., Psikolog
Product Manager - Principle at Warung Pintar
Hari Ke-10
Masterclass with Industry Leaders:
Masterclass with industry leaders

Prioritize Your Product Features

Jumat, 7 June 2024
19.00 - 21.00 WIB
Product Worth Building
Desirability, Feasibility, and Viability Scoreboard
Real study case to use the framework
How to Start Your Journey in Product Management
Nurdela Ardiansyah
Product Manager at Quipper
Hari Ke-1

Introduction to Product Management

Senin, 27 May 2024
19.00 - 21.00 WIB
Introduction to RevoU and co-founder
Definition of product and why product management is important
Skills needed to become a great product managers
Misconception / myth of Product Management
Student success story
Ega Adi Surya
VP of Operations at RevoU
Aloysius Mahagyana
Country Product Specialist at IKEA UK & IE
Akhmad Bahtiar Kuntriadi
Admission Counselor at RevoU
Hari Ke-2
Learning with RevoU

Product Management Role in a Company

Selasa, 28 May 2024
19.00 - 21.00 WIB
Role as a Product Manager in a company
Product Manager vs Project Manager
Great product managers examples
Product Management process
Aloysius Mahagyana
Country Product Specialist at IKEA UK & IE
Hari Ke-3
Practical Simulation:

System architecture in digital product

Rabu, 29 May 2024
19.00 - 21.00 WIB
Introduction to system architecture
Introduction to Front End and Back End - What's the difference
Introduction on Database Management System - how data is stored and processed within an application
Simulation: Designing system architecture of an application
Aloysius Mahagyana
Country Product Specialist at IKEA UK & IE
Hari Ke-4
Practical Simulation:

System architecture in digital product

Kamis, 30 May 2024
19.00 - 21.00 WIB
Introduction to system architecture
Introduction to Front End and Back End - What's the difference
Introduction on Database Management System - how data is stored and processed within an application
Simulation: Designing system architecture of an application
Aloysius Mahagyana
Country Product Specialist at IKEA UK & IE
Hari Ke-5
Career Session + Alumni Sharing Session

How to Prepare Your Product Management Career + How Product Management Changes My Life

Jumat, 31 May 2024
19.00 - 21.00 WIB
Alumni Sharing Session
Challenges and Benefits as Product Manager
Career Tips
Humaira Nisaul Jannah
Associate Product Manager - Waste4Change
Nazly Bayu Marco
Product Manager - MNC Group
Hari Ke-6
Career Session:

Job Seeking 101 session - CV Review

Senin, 3 June 2024
19.00 - 21.00 WIB
How to Craft Your Curriculum Vitae?
CV Review
Tips & Tricks for CV
Live Q&A Session with Career Coach
Gianina Godine
Team Leader and Senior Recruiter at JAC Group
Hari Ke-7
Career Session:
Masterclass with Industry Leaders:

Job Seeking 101 session - Interview Tips

Selasa, 4 June 2024
19.00 - 21.00 WIB
A guide to introduce yourself in interview
LIVE Competition: Self introduction in interview
Tips & Tricks self introduction in an interview session
Live Q&A Session with Career Coach
Gianina Godine
Team Leader and Senior Recruiter at JAC Group
Hari Ke-8
Masterclass with Industry Leaders:

Case Study Review Session

Rabu, 5 June 2024
19.00 - 21.00 WIB
Case Study Presentation
Case Study Review Session by Team Lead
Best Practice Tips on How to Solve the Case Study
QnA Session with Team Lead
Raissa Irena P.
Product Intern at Andali
Hari Ke-9
Masterclass with Industry Leaders:
Masterclass with industry leaders

Self-Development 101: A Roadmap to Professional Growth through Self-Development

Kamis, 6 June 2024
19.00 - 21.00 WIB
How to identify professional strenghts and weaknessess
How to discover your Career Sweet Spot
Tips to build learning and skill enhancement habit
Tips to build strong professional network
Hanan Salsabila, S.Psi., M.Psi., Psikolog
Product Manager - Principle at Warung Pintar
Hari Ke-10
Masterclass with Industry Leaders:
Masterclass with industry leaders

Prioritize Your Product Features

Jumat, 7 June 2024
19.00 - 21.00 WIB
Product Worth Building
Desirability, Feasibility, and Viability Scoreboard
Real study case to use the framework
How to Start Your Journey in Product Management
Nurdela Ardiansyah
Product Manager at Quipper
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