You’ll be proficient with these tools:

This is some text inside of a div block.


This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5
Heading 6

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.

Block quote

Ordered list

  1. Item 1
  2. Item 2
  3. Item 3

Unordered list

  • Item A
  • Item B
  • Item C
Text link

Bold text




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Pengabdi Salary:
Are Money the Cure for Underperforming Employees?

Cocok untuk Manajer baru atau Business Owner
Disusun oleh experts dengan 5+ tahun pengalaman
Dapatkan Mini-Playbook dari diskusi materi
Jadwal kelas:
10 Oktober 2023, 19.00 WIB
Daftar Gratis
84% Kuota pendaftaran sudah terisi
Doni Nathaniel Pranama
Executive Coach, Business Head at Indonesia’s Leading E-commerce
Salsa Erwina
E-commerce Business Development Manager at Vestas, Denmark
Ega Adi Surya
VP of Operations at RevoU
Gadis Lukman
VP of Commercial at SIRCLO
Nur Fajriah Syukri
Special Project Manager - Community at RevoU

Benefits ikut Mini Show Manager Academy:

Materi dan mentor berpengalaman dari perusahaan ternama
Sesi tanya-jawab dan diskusi interaktif bersama mentor dan sesama manajer
Akses ke Komunitas RevoU Managers Hub

Mau jadi Leader Sukses?

Ikuti Mini Show sekarang dan siapkan soft-skill Leadership-mu.

Akselerasi Skill Lewat Studi Kasus

Kenali masalah umum yang sering dihadapi manajer dan cara terbaik menanganinya sesuai industri dimana kamu bekerja.

Diskusi LIVE dengan Manajer Senior

Menjadi leader bukan cuma soal "learn by doing". Temui manajer senior yang siap diajak diskusi dan bantu atasi tantanganmu!

Koneksi ke Sesama Manajer

Perluas jaringanmu di RevoU Managers Hub dan asah terus kemampuan leadershipmu bersama manajer-manajer hebat lainnya.

Mini Show Cocok Jika Kamu:

Sedang bekerja full-time
Manajer baru atau business owner
Staf senior yang ingin meningkatkan karier
Merasa bingung cara menyampaikan berita buruk dengan tepat

RevoU Siap Bantu Kamu Jadi Leader Sukses dengan:

Berbagai skill yang wajib dikuasai oleh seorang Leader
Insight dan pengalaman langsung dari para Leader terbaik dengan pengalaman lebih dari 5 tahun
Komunitas networking RevoU yang aktif dengan berbagai diskusi yang menarik

Benefit untukmu kalau ikut Mini Show sekarang:

Belajar LIVE dari Instruktur Top Companies
Normal price = Rp300.000
Certificate of Attendance untuk peserta yang mengikuti seluruh agenda
Normal price = Rp500.000
Diskusi LIVE bersama Instruktur & sesama manajer
Normal price = Rp500.000
Kurikulum & studi kasus yang disesuaikan demand pasar
Normal price = Rp400.000
TOTAL Rp1.700.000 GRATIS!
Daftar Gratis

Belajar Langsung Dari Top Leaders Berpengalaman

Gadis Lukman

VP of Commercial at SIRCLO

Nur Fajriah Syukri

Special Project Manager - Community at RevoU

Agenda & Materi

Mini Show Manager Academy | 10 Oktober 2023

Are Money the Cure for Underperforming Employees?

Understanding the Importance of Keeping Your Team Member Motivated
New Challenge: Motivating The Underperformer
Exploring Strategies to Boost Employee Motivation and Enhance Performance
Real-World Case Studies Discussion

Kuota terbatas, segera daftar sekarang!

Jadwal kelas:
10 Oktober 2023, 19.00 WIB
84% Kuota pendaftaran sudah terisi
Daftar Gratis

Kamu juga bisa mendapatkan:

Materi dan mentor berpengalaman dari perusahaan ternama
Sesi tanya-jawab dan diskusi interaktif bersama mentor dan sesama manajer
Akses ke Komunitas RevoU Managers Hub

Hire Ready to Work, Top Tech Talents

RevoU teaches students to become top tech talents with industry-relevant skills and real business experience.

Get the best talent for your company now, FREE of recruitment fee!

Companies Who Entrust us with their Hiring Needs

View more
and many more.

Why Hire Our Grads?

Free of Charge (ZERO Fees)

We are not a recruitment agency so all process is free.

High Passing Grade + Soft Skill Training

Our grads finished their study with a highly selective process.

Ready to Deliver Business Results

Our grads are trained for 3 months with actual business goals, budgets, and clients.

Crafted Curriculum by Industry Experts

Our grads posses Industry-relevant skills developed by leading Tech Professionals.


Our grads are equipped with hands-on practical experience and soft skills to grow your business

Digital Marketing

Analytics & Strategies

  • Marketing Analytics
  • Performance Measurement
  • Reporting
  • Product Marketing (Value Proposition, Landing Page Creation)

Tools & Channels

  • Paid Channels (Google Ads, Display, Social Media Ads)
  • Organic Channels (SEO, Content Marketing, Social Media Organic)
  • CRM, Email Marketing

Soft Skills

  • Problem Solving
  • Critical Thinking
  • Effective Communication

Sales Fundamentals

  • The Crafts, The Ethics, and The Psychology of Successful Sales
  • Selling in Technology Environment (Departments, Persona, Setup, Data & Security)

End-to-End Sales Process

  • The Philosophy of Sales, Researching, and Creative Prospecting
  • Time Management
  • Referrals
  • Competitor Battle Cards
  • How to Use CRM

Soft Skills

  • Verbal & Written Communication Skills
  • Sales & Productivity Tools
  • Networking

Analytics Fundamentals

  • Data Architecture & Warehousing
  • Understanding Business Problems
  • Advanced Excel Functions and Queries

Technical Skill

  • Advanced SQL
  • Python Programming
  • Work with Github, Jupyter Notebooks, and IDEs
  • Data Wrangling with Pandas and Numpy

Communication Skills

  • Fundamentals of Visualization
  • Data Visualization with Tableau
  • Insight Communication, Pitching and Storytelling with Data

Problem Discovery & Definition

  • Understanding company's vision
  • Market Research
  • OKR and Product Metrics
  • Problem Prioritization Framework

Developing Solution

  • Conceptualizing Solution
  • Product Wireframing
  • Solution Mapping & Prioritization

Delivery Phase

  • Product Experimentation and Development
  • Go-To Market Strategy

How We Nurture Our Graduates

Our students have gone through an extensive process of tests and training. Only less <10% of our applicants successfully admitted to RevoU

3 Months of
LIVE Classes

Our grads learned directly from professional and expert digital marketers.

Trained with intensive learning, practical assignments, and real-world projects in a group.

3 Months of

After three months of classes, our grads continue to work with actual companies for another 3 months.

They generate actual sales and acquire real customers for their clients.

Success Stories from Our Partners

"Although RevoU’s graduates are career switchers which have 3-6 months of career experience in digital marketing, I see that the graduates have a very high level of skills and understanding in digital marketing, up to the standard of a person who has 2-years of work experience!"
Read more

Bayudi Ramadani

Recruitment Specialist at Kitabisa

"We are not keen to deal with commission-based head hunters because we are afraid they shove people hoping that they fit. That's why we decide to partner with RevoU, because RevoU is a school that cares about quality and experience. We are hiring Lidya from RevoU with Zero Fee from RevoU. With her relevant experience, she's been a great asset to us."


CEO Coinvestasi

"RevoU's talent pool is curated to our needs and very happy to hire Rego. He has a growth mindset, gets the job done, and appreciates every opportunity. With a personal approach to matching, RevoU helps us to meet candidates whose personality matches our culture."


Co-Founder REDY

Are you ready to grow with us?

Have first access to hire our top graduates at zero cost