Lecture 1: Fundamentals of Copywriting for Digital Marketing
Monday, @7.00 - 9.00 pm
Lecture 2: Optimizing Your Content for Different Channels
Tuesday, @7.00 - 9.00 pm
Lectures 3: SEO Copywriting for Youtube and Website
Wednesday, @7.00 - 9.00 pm
Insightful!!! Somehow tipsnya banyak dagingnya. Sebelumnya aku udah pernah ngikut beberapa course copywriting di tempat lain, tapi kayak masih kurang aja gitu. Tapi di Specialization Class ini sih bener-bener banyak banget aku belajar soal Copywriting yang ternyata tiap channelnya pun berbeda-beda penerapannya
As a PR manager, I do a lot of writing for different channels. This Copywriting Specialization Class by RevoU taught me a lot of insights on how to craft the perfect wording for the right audience. I believe the principles shared during class will be very helpful in writing more informative and impactful press materials.
✅ Unlimited access to study resources & recording
✅ Speakers' presentation materials
✅ Practical assignments
✅ Dedicated Slack channel for class
✅ Q&A session and consultation from instructors