Radhitia Pradana
Social Media Lead at Tokopedia
Lecture: Influencer Marketing
Wednesday @7.00 - 9.00 pm
Lecture: Social Media Budgeting
Friday @7.00 - 9.00 pm
Although I am working in another field of digital marketing, this specialization class helps me to understand the daily work of the specific channel, deeper than what we have learned in RevoU Full-Stack program.
Kelas ini sangat membantu untuk memahami lebih dalam mengenai social media organic, dan dengan ada nya sesi tanya jawab bisa membantu saya untuk mempelajari topik apa saja yang dipelajari juga oleh alumni lain.
✅ Unlimited access to study resources & recording
✅ Speakers' presentation materials
✅ Practical assignments
✅ Dedicated Slack channel for class
✅ Q&A session and consultation from instructors